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02 第八期外刊精讀課
聽力|精讀|翻譯|詞組 Culture | Johnson文化 | 約翰遜專欄
Culture | Johnson文化 | 約翰遜專欄 Switzerland is a model of a multilingual state瑞士:多語言國家的典範 But it is not an easy one to imitate他國想要仿效卻並非易事 Europe is the home of the idea that people who see themselves as a nation should have a country. And very often those countries have seen themselves linguistically: France is the home of those who speak French, and so on. This has always been a simplification. But one state, one nation and one language remains a Platonic ideal. 凡自認同屬一國之民即應組建獨立之國,此理念起源於歐洲,並且通常來說,這些國家都以語言為區別的標誌;講法語的人組建了法國,等等諸如此類。一直以來,這都是一種相對簡化的情形;不過,「一國家、一民族、一語言」仍然只是一種柏拉圖式的理想。 Which makes it all the odder that, at the heart of Europe, one nation in one state is one of the most happily, successfully multilingual places on Earth. Switzerland, which has a population comparable in size to Hungary’s or Austria’s, has four official languages, and a huge amount of local variety beyond that. 但怪異的是,在歐洲腹地卻有這樣一個地方,一民族即為一國家。這裡多種語言和諧共存,人們樂之安之。這就是瑞士,總人口與匈牙利或奧地利相當,講四種官方語言,此外還有大量的地方語言。 About 60% of Swiss speak German as their mother tongue; but if you studied the language of Goethe in Hamburg or Hanover, good luck understanding a conversation among Swiss. The local 「Schwyzerdütsch」 is so far from the standard that children who speak it have to learn High German in school. But the Swiss are proud of their German, which can even be starkly different from valley to valley. A German executive in Geneva says that when visiting Zurich, he often finds it more practical to speak English. 約60%的瑞士人母語是德語。但如果你在德國漢堡或漢諾威學過德語,你或許只能僥倖聽懂一部分瑞士人的日常德語對話。當地的「瑞士德語」(Schwyzerdütsch)與標準德語相差甚遠,甚至講「瑞士德語」的孩子到了學校還要學習高地德語。雖然住在不同地方的瑞士人講的德語有天淵之別,但他們仍然對「瑞士德語」引以為豪。一位居住在日內瓦的德國高管表示,去蘇黎世出差時還是講英語更管用。 註:在非語言學專業領域,「高地德語」和「標準德語」兩個概念基本上可以畫等號。 Just over 20% of Swiss speak French, the next-biggest language. Then there is Italian, spoken by only about 8% of the population, and, most remarkably, Romansh, a Romance language that is the native tongue of only around 0.5% of Swiss. Yet all three, alongside German, are official languages in the country. The Italian spoken is often a local variety, and even tiny Romansh has widely diverging dialects. One Romansh-speaker says that, when he was in the army, it was easier for him to use German with Romansh-speaking comrades than what was notionally their common language. 超過20%的瑞士人講法語,這是瑞士第二大官方語言,再次是僅有8%左右人口使用的意大利語,然後還有最引人注目的羅曼什語:這是一種羅曼語,母語人口僅占瑞士總人口的0.5%左右。然而,這三種語言同德語一起構成了瑞士的官方語言。瑞士各個地方講的意大利語都有所不同,甚至小小的羅曼什語也有數個大相徑庭的方言。一位講羅曼什語的人表示,過去在部隊與其他講羅曼什語的戰友交流時,用德語比用名義上大家都講的羅曼什語更容易交流。 How can a country so linguistically diverse work, and indeed be one of the richest in the world? François Grin of the University of Geneva says that it is because of a national myth, whereby 「Switzerland functions not despite but because of its multilingualism.」 The point of the myth, he says, is not that it is true (or false), but that it is useful. The Swiss work hard at keeping it going. 一個語言如此多元的國家究竟如何運轉,甚至還可以躋身世界最富裕國家之列?日內瓦大學的弗朗索瓦·格林(François Grin)認為,原因在於一個國家級的信念,認為「瑞士能夠正常運轉,多樣性的語言不僅不是障礙,還恰恰是原因所在」。格林教授表示,這種信念的重點不在於真實性,而在於實用性。瑞士人竭盡全力,確保這種信念流傳下去。 Traditionally, Swiss students studied the next-biggest national language after their own as their first foreign one. Italian-speakers often learn both German and French (and Romansh-speakers, the lot). And English is taught in all schools, as well as being heard frequently in the streets of the most international cities, Geneva and Zurich. Switzerland is also generous to the many who speak yet another language; Geneva makes its schools available for the teaching of Portuguese after hours to the large Portuguese-descended population, for example. The children of immigrants typically master the local dominant language, even Swiss-German, which is not formally taught. 一般而言,瑞士學生在學會自己的母語後,會繼續學習次於母語的第二大官方語言作為自己的第一門外語。母語是意大利語的學生通常會兼修德語和法語,而母語是羅曼什語的學生則會學習德語、法語和意大利語。此外,瑞士所有的學校都教授英語,而在日內瓦和蘇黎世這兩座瑞士國內最國際化的城市街頭,也常能聽到人們用英語交談。對母語不是上述語言的人群,瑞士同樣不吝於提供便利。以日內瓦為例,當地葡萄牙後裔眾多,學校就在課後教授學生葡萄牙語。此外,移民子女也大多能掌握移入區域的主導語言,就連瑞士德語這種沒有正規授課的語言也不例外。 But this doesn’t make every Swiss a polyglot paragon. The key to Switzerland’s functioning is its principle of territoriality: in most of the 26 cantons, one language rules. (Three cantons are bilingual in German and French, and Graubünden is trilingual in Italian, Romansh and German.) This territoriality can be coercive—Swiss courts have found that cantons may forbid students to be primarily educated in another national language even in private schools. The principle’s strength means that some Swiss who have not lived outside their home region may never fully master another national language. 可即便如此,在瑞士也並非人人都精通多門語言。瑞士模式運行無阻的秘訣在於語言區劃:瑞士全國總共有26個行政州,除去三個德法雙語州和以意羅德三語主導的格勞賓登州(Graubünden),絕大多數州都只有一門主導語言。不過,這種語言區劃有時也附帶強制措施。例如,瑞士法庭裁定,各州可自行決定是否禁止本州小學(甚至包括私立小學)以非本州主導語言授課。語言區劃的規定也令部分安土重遷的瑞士人無法精通本國的其他語言。 And in recent decades, many of the German-speaking cantons, following Zurich, have shaken the Swiss model by introducing English before French as the first foreign language learned in schools. Since even the Swiss do not easily manage three or four languages (remembering that Swiss German and High German are quite distinct), this means that many in German-speaking Switzerland do not master French if they focus on English. 近幾十年來,繼蘇黎世之後,瑞士模式在許多德語州都產生了動搖:學校把英語當作第一外語,取代了法語原來的地位。即使是瑞士人也無法輕易掌握三四種語言(要知道瑞士德語和高地德語相去甚遠),所以很多瑞士德語區的居民若是專注於英語學習,就無法掌握法語。 But even if every individual Swiss is not a walking interpreter’s booth, the country remains deeply committed to its multilingual model. It is not an easy one to copy: Switzerland is the product of fiercely independent cantons joining the confederation for mutual benefit while still considering themselves sovereign. The country must respect localism, or it would not exist. 即便瑞士人並非個個都能成為行走的同傳箱,但瑞士仍堅定致力於發展多語言模式。要想效仿瑞士模式並非易事:瑞士各州相當獨立,它們為了共同利益而組成聯盟,但仍認為自己有獨立主權。國家必須尊重地方,否則瑞士這個國家就不復存在。 That said, most European states are amalgamations of what were once smaller units too. Often their founding stories are that they were destined to be united, including by language. They could learn from Switzerland, whose national story holds that unity and uniformity are not the same thing. 話雖如此,大多數歐洲國家也都是過去規模較小的區域合併形成的。這些國家的成立歷史通常由一些註定會統一的區域編寫,語言也是統一的其中一個誘因。瑞士可以成為這些國家學習的榜樣,畢竟瑞士的故事讓人看到,統一不一定要整齊劃一。 翻譯組: Gretle,愛翻譯,愛生活Collin,男,崇拜科比的一枚小翻譯Trista,女,雖然我是無業游民,但是我並沒有驕傲琚兒,女,QE在職,夢想能仗翻譯/音樂/健康走天涯 校對組: Lv行者,不愛名牌和旅遊的偽文青Very,男,電氣民工,經濟學人資淺愛好者Nikolae,新手人民教師,聲優探索者,乃木坂47與AKB49