Life Is Irrescindalbe,So JustMoveon As It is
Our life is not rescindable, but I still hope I can go back to my younger days. I will, if I can restart my life, abstain from my obsession with remote mountains and deserts that had taken deep root in my mind in my childhood as a result of my immersion in kungfu novels. I have left my footprints in the mountain bathed in drizzles all year round and the vast and sparsely populated desert, yet what are left for me, except for my sighs over the days I idled away, are only memories. It affords me some comfort that I have never regretted passing the lonesome nights by ploughing through Professor Xu’s monograph On Chinese Verse in English Rhyme treating of the ways of translating Chinese poems, however tired I was and however late it was, even if it was 2 am in the morning. The book also brings me back to Yihsin Bookstore, where it was permeated with soft music that could calm down your agitated heart. If my memory serves me right, the bookstore was right outside Xinjiang Medical College (now Xinjiang Medical University), within walking distance of the then Xinjiang International Exhibition Center, I am wondering if it is still in operation. The Far East English-Chinese Dictionary compiled by Liang Shih-Chiu and A Modern Chinese-English Dictionary produced by the Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press were my essential companions on my office desk and also beside my pillow. I went to office with them mornings and came back to my dorm with them evenings.
I actually detest myself for clinging to my unwritten **ing principles that I will never send to press academic articles in those money-centered journals like Journal of Language Planning and Journal of Teaching and Management, which are core journals in name but junk productions in reality. Some guys have obtained what they desired by submitting ghostwritten papers published in those rubbish journals, but I will never, ever, get involved in that even though I can also find access to them.
The blossoming days have vanished without a trace, and I am getting on in years, consequently, I developed a habit of reminiscing about the bygone days. I often survey the Kunlun Mountains, within earshot and eyeshot of which I lived and worked for some time when young. I often call to mind Yopurga No. 2 Middle School, where I have devoted so much passion and enthusiasm.
Loath to see my knowledge fade away with age, I have taken to attending various kinds of language competence-related tests. A curious crony asked why I fell for these language exams and why I hadn’t taken them at a younger age, claiming that these tests did not help much in my career. I was not a organized man during my blooming days, what I admired were just loft mountains and boundless deserts. I even fancied 「would that I were a gallant kungfu master then I could kill those vicious thugs and escape unnoticed and unpunished.」 My dream of being a kungfu master fell through, and I only ended up mooning away my youth in the mountain and the desert. So far as gains are concerned, these tests haven’t brought me any, but just cost me a big sum of money. If we look at themfroma perspective of knowledge accumulation, we know that preparations for exams can add to knowledge, and the tests can also check how your knowledge is at that current stage. I won’t prepare for a specific test, but I keep learning everyday in preparation for all kinds of tests aimed at testing our language proficiency. This is enough for me, and keeping learning will, at least, keep your knowledge updated. Some people with many honorary titles, if discontinuing learning, are actually no better than a graduate who just gothis masterate.Ireally appreciate an Anhui-based Professor Wang, a modest translation master whokeeps translatingeverydayevenapproaching to70.