
新一屆的新財富榜單在上周揭曉了。有朋友問我,除了拉票外,如何才可以成為一名優秀的賣方分析師呢?我覺得這位Bernstein的半導體資深分析師(Stacy Rasgon)寫得不錯,在這裡分享給大家。

This is first and foremost a client service job. Everything you do should tie back to this. Everyone on the team, from the senior analyst to the junior associate, should work at buidling client relationships.


Always strive to do good work. But If your clients don’t like you, they will not vote for you no matter how good your work is.


It is especially fun after you get to know your clients. You have to really enjoy this from your heart, it is tough to fake if youdon’t. To that end if you don’t like interacting with clients, your clients will know, and it will show. So make sure you like this part of the job. If you don’t like people and cannot succeed in building relationships you will fail on the sell side, no matter how good your stock picks are.


Answer every email, return every phone call, do everyfavor. Feel GOOD when the phone rings. It means someone is taking time out oftheir busy day to call you. Respect that.


Don’t ever forget that your clients』 job is (MUCH) harder than yours. They have to be right. You only have to be interesting. So be interesting! Have provocative ideas. Remember that your clients get a hundred VMs and a thousand emails every day from the sell side. Give them areason to look at yours. When newsbreaks, your clients have time to make 3 calls. Make sure one of them is you.


Be memorable. Have a personality. Wear suspenders or abow tie. Grow a beard. Let yourpersonality come across in your writing. Develop a voice.



While your clients』 job is harder than yours, they suffer in secret. Your pain (and there will be much pain over a career) is public, sometimes VERY public. You will need to develop a thick skin。

雖然你的客戶的工作比你的難,但是他們可以在暗處舔傷口。而你的痛楚是公開的,有的時候甚至是非常公開(指的是在手撕報告,在earning call上被公司管理層羞辱之類的),所以要學會有厚臉皮。

Earnings call Q&A isthe most underutilized tool in a sell-sider’s toolkit. I am continually amazed at how few analysts get this point.


Most of your best ideas for pieces will come from client conversations. If you get the same question from 3 clients, you should probably write a note about it.


Learn how to tell a story. People don’t want to read your research, they want you to tell them a story.


Make sure your sales force knows your call. My biggest issues up front mostly stemmed from the fact that my salesforce had no idea what I was talking about. Sales should be your first client. They are your amplifier. On a good day you can make 20 calls on your own. But everysalesperson can also make 20 calls. Make sure one of them is yours.


Spoonfeed the story to sales. Make sure they know what you want them to say. Otherwise they will decide what to say on their own, or worse yet, decide to make someone esle's call instead.


「Streetestimates」 and 「consensus」 are NOT the same thing. Part of your job as asell side analyst is to figure out what 「consensus」 actually is.


No one actually knows why the stock is underperforming.But clients will still ask. And you had better have an answer。


It feels dangerous to stick your neck out. No one doesit enough (myself included).

But my first big call was a negative, counter-consensus,differentiated negative call on the biggest company in my coverage. It eventually blew up. But it also got me ranked.

So don’t be afraid to stick your neck out if you haveconviction. It may go wrong of course (there are no certainties here). But clients will still appreciate it if it is grounded in facts, and differentiated. And it might go right. Those are the calls that can make acareer.

把你的脖子伸出去(指做出不同於一致預期的觀點/報告)的感覺令人害怕,所以沒有人(包括我自己)能做足夠的類似的決定。但是,我第一個big call就是對我覆蓋行業裡面最大的一家公司出了一個負面的,不同於一致預期的報告。結果公司股價起飛了,但同時我也因為這個報告得到了好評。


If a call goes against you, don’t hide from it. Use it.Controversy is your friend on the sell side, it gives you a reason to talk to clients! At the same time, own your mistakes. Admit when you are wrong. It’s easier to own a controversy with an active rating. This is the primary reason clients value therating/target price. They don't care about your buy/hold/sell rating. But they do care how much conviction you have in the controversy.




Good company does not necessarily equal good stock. Badcompany does not necessarily equal bad stock. NEVER FORGET THIS.

Not everyone will like you.

Talk with management teams but don’t trust them, and forGod's sake don’t base a call on 「The CEO told me X.」 You will be led astray if you aren’t careful. Don’t let managementteams get away with anything. Dig. If they say something, follow up on the line of questioning. Don’t let management teams get away with anything, especially on an earnings call.

When doing channel checks know where they are comingfrom. Otherwise you will find that they’re wrong half the time, and you won’tknow which half.

Make your models complex enough to do the job, butsimple enough to update at 2am on an earnings night (I have broken this commandment to my everlasting detriment)

This is a competitive career. There are 40 other peopleout there trying to do the same thing as you. You have to do it better thanthem, and thrill to that fact.

At the same time, creative repetition is your friend.The job gets easier over time as you build a library of material that can be updated, recycled, and respun in new ways.

But don't just report the news. Anything you put out should have some thing incremental to it. Some insight, some tidbit, something.

It sounds trite, but it's true. Own the biggest controversies on the biggest names in your space.

Be prepared for anything to happen on any given day.Flexibility is a must. Be willing to toss your agenda out the window if needed.When key news breaks be first.

Don’t kill your team when it’s not necessary. Don’t have them work late or on weekends regularly. This way when you ask them to (and it will happen) they will know its necessary rather than arbitrary.

If you are the senior, you should be the last one toleave on earnings. Don’t be the asshole who leaves the team to finish up while you go to sleep.

When writing a piece or doing analysis, always ask yourself 「what’s the 『so-what』?」 What does it mean for your stock, or yourindustry, or whatever. Why should people care? So What?

The worst meetings are when everyone agrees (there's noreason to talk!) Have an opinion, and be willing and able to defend it.

Let the data drive the story, not the other way around.

Be careful with your numbers. Do not tolerate careless errors, clients will find them and it will detract from your message. I meanthis. My pet peeve is careless errors. I tell my team that I can forgive PROFOUND errors. But careless errors have no excuse.

Know every number.

Everyone adds value in a different way. Find out what works best for you. Differentiate from the pack, however you can. Don't spendtime on stuff where you can't differentiate.

Have good pattern recognition.

Don’t be afraid to be the bear. My favorite calls areusually the negative ones, and they get more attention too.

The buck stops with you. It's your name on the top ofthe report. It's your face on TV, your name in the WSJ. If you screw up it'syour fault. If your team screws up, it's your fault.

Your associates will get good. And then they may leave.

Carve out opportunities for your associates to grow.Make sure they have their own client call lists. Make sure the salesforce knowswho they are.

One day your role might be analyst. On another day your role might be therapist.Sometimes clients just want to talk.

For god's sake, don't ignore a client all year long andthen have the balls to beg for an II vote. It just makes you look pitiful. Infact I will go further - don't ask for II votes. Clients know who has been helpful and who hasn't, and generally know who they are going to vote for. In other words, clients know who deserves a vote without you asking for it.

(I know this one is potentially controversial, most ofthe sell side has a long and illustrious history of begging for II votes inJune...)

Don't get emotionally involved. My biggest mistakes andmissed calls have been in situations where my emotions prevented me from seeingwhat was in front of my nose.This is not easy. I've been doing this job for more than a dozen years and I still struggle with it.

Some days I am not sure if I work in the financial services industry or in the entertainment industry. I think there are elementsof both in a successful sell-side career.

Love your industry, be continually amazed by it. You will be living and breathing it, day in and day out. It will fill yourthoughts. It will fill your dreams. If you don't like your industry this jobwill make you miserable. (For the record, I LOVE semiconductors) 😍

While you do need an ego to do this job, don’t startbelieving your own bullshit.

Learn how to sleep on a planeIf at all possible, finish the note before the dinner starts. Drunk analysis isoften not the best analysis. (If you have the capacity to ignore this rule,more power to you. I do not!)

You will have clients who know your sector and stocksfar better than you do. Treasure these clients. You will also have clients whoknow nothing about your sector. Treasure them as well. Give them extraattention.If you win over clients when they start the relationship can span an entirecareer. I have big PM clients today who I』ve known since they were jr analysts.




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