你是不是總是逃避該做的事,但這件事卻像幽靈一樣,一直縈繞在你的內心,焦慮感也一直伴隨着你,侵害你對生活的整體感受,讓你無法專心享受一部電影,難以盡情地和朋友一起逛街,從而導致生活質量降低。因為你知道自己該做的事情還沒做,並且傾向於不斷往後拖延該做的事情,你的內心就會覺得自己是一個應該做的事情還沒做的人,覺得自己還不夠好,覺得還有其他應該要做的事情。如果你一直逃避,你應該怎麼辦呢?你應該如何讓大腦停止找藉口,讓自己處於已經完成了你該做的事情的心理狀態中? How to stop escapingSo I was watching this Woody Allen filmcalled "Hannah and Her Sisters," and in the movie,there's this scene where Michael Kane's character, Elliot,is sitting at the dinner table with his wife, Hannah.Now, Elliot is completely emotionally detached,he is disturbed, and that's because he's been havingan affair with his wife's sister.Shocking stuff, I know.But this scene really got me thinkingabout the way in which a lot of us live our entire lives,hopefully not by having affairs with our wife's sisters,but what I mean is that we do certain thingsor leave certain things undone in the pastthat continue to eat away at us subconsciouslyin the present.And a lot of the time, we do this so compulsivelythat we don't even know that we're doing it.We just see it as normal, we don't know anything else,yet we're living a lower quality of life because of it.最近我看了一部伍迪·艾倫的電影,叫做《漢娜姐妹》,在這部電影裡有這樣一個場景,邁克爾·凱恩飾演的艾略特與他的妻子漢娜坐在餐桌前,艾略特魂不守舍,他很不安,因為他一直和妻子的妹妹有染。真是毀三觀。但這一幕讓我聯想到了很多人糟糕的生活方式,但願不是因為與妻子的妹妹有染。我的意思是,我們在過去做了的事或沒有做的事,直到現在都在潛移默化地侵害着我們。很多時候,我們都不受控制地陷入其中,以至於我們甚至不知道自己深受其害。我們以為這很正常,不知道其中的利害,然而我們的生活質量卻因此降低。Every single thing that we do,every single conversation that we haveis infected by the things that we've leftusually undone in the past.And I think this is the most insidiously toxic thingabout escapism and procrastination,and that is because of somethingI like to call mental air time.When we haven't yet donewhat we know we're supposed to doand we have a tendency toput these things off every single day,then we exist in a mental framework where we are a personwho hasn't yet done the thing that we're supposed to do.我們所做的每一件事,我們與他人的每一次交談,都會被過去沒完成的事情所影響,這就是逃避和拖延最隱蔽的危害。其原因我喜歡稱之為精神出走時間。當我們知道自己該做的事情還沒做,並且我們有一種傾向,每天都往後拖延該做的事情,那麼我們內心就會覺得自己是一個應該做的事情還沒做的人。And over a long period of time,this really changes how we feel about our entire lives,because no matter what we're doing,no matter what kind of conversation we're having,no matter how special the personwe're having that conversation with is,we are subconsciously tainted by the factthat we are not where we're supposed to be,we are not being who we're supposed to be.And we live our entire lives like this emotionally disturbedwith this feeling of anxiety that's just always therebecause of our chronic escapism.People don't talk about procrastination this way, it's nuts,because when we procrastinate, it's not just the thingthat we're supposed to do that suffers,everything else suffers as wellbecause we're not present with it,we don't have the mental capacity to enjoy it.而長此以往,就會侵害我們對整體生活的感受,因為無論我們在做什麼,無論我們在進行什麼樣的對話,無論與我們對話的人有多麼特別,我們的潛意識仍被這樣的事實所影響:即我們沒有在做我們該做的事,我們沒有成為我們該成為的人。而我們的生活整體上就會一直受到情緒上的干擾,焦慮感也會一直伴隨自己,因為我們長期逃避該做的事,人們往往不會像個瘋子一樣談論拖延,因為當我們拖延的時候,受影響的不僅僅是我們應該做的事情,其他的事情也會受到影響,因為我們無法專心,我們的心理狀態不足以去享受當下。Anything good in our lives is infected with this feelinglike it's not good enough, we're not supposed to be herebecause there's that other thingthat we're supposed to be doing.And the weird thing is,it's not like we're never going to do that thing,we usually end up doing it.Usually the deadline comes closer,the repercussions for not doing it grows scarierand more acute,so we eventually guilt ourselves into eventually doing itso that we can repeat that cycle every single dayfor the rest of our lives.But what's crazy is since we end up doing it anyways,there's great utility to just changing the orderin which we do things.我們生活中的所有美好都被這種感覺所侵蝕,我們會覺得自己還不夠好,不應該出現在這裡,因為還有其他我們應該要做的事情。而奇怪的是,我們並不是永遠不會做拖延的事,通常我們最終還是要去做的。通常情況下,當最後期限越來越近,不做的後果越來越可怕,越來越嚴重,我們變得內疚不安,最終去做了這件事,於是我們在往後餘生的每一天都還可以繼續重複這個循環。但讓人欣喜若狂的是,既然我們最終還是要做,那麼只要改變我們做事的優先順序,就有很大的效用。We can escape and do all of the other bullshit later,but if we could find a way to do the the most important thingthat we need to do earlier in the day,then we could change the entire narrative of our lives.We could change the way we feel about ourselves,about our capability to solve problems.And the theme of our lives that's echoingthrough our subconscious becomes,oh yes, I can play video games, I can watch this movie,I can enjoy this conversation,because I've already done the thing that I'm supposed to do.So how do we do it? That's the golden question.Well, knowing what it's doing to us is greatand I think this will help you get some motivationto just do the damn thing, but when push comes to shove,this is an irrational problem.我們可以逃避,把不想做的事推到後面。但如果我們能想辦法在一天的早些時候完成我們要做的最重要的事情。那麼我們就可以改善整體的生活,我們可以改變我們對自己的感知,對我們解決問題的能力的感知。而迴蕩在我們潛意識中的生活的主旋律變成了:太棒了,我可以打遊戲,我可以看這部電影,我可以盡情投入這次聊天,因為我已經做完了我應該做的事情。那麼,我們如何做到這一點?這才是價值千金的問題。首先要知道分清事情的輕重緩急對我們有好處,我認為這起碼能幫助你獲得一些動力來做這些你不太願意做的事,但真到了緊要關頭,人就會變得非常不理性。I can give you all the rationality in the worldbut when you're faced with the crossroadsof watching this funny little YouTube videoversus writing a research paper,something other than logic takes over.Your monkey brain kind of bullies your rational braininto coming up with a rationalizationto justify some suboptimal behavior.So the answer can't be logical.It has to be an emotional tacticand I think that tactic is submission.- Submission.You know, that's a bit of a problem.- Nobody talks about this word submissionin a productivity context.They talk about it in other contextsbut we're not gonna get into those other contexts.That's not what this channel's about.我可以讓你變成世上最理性的人,但當你真正面臨着是看眼前這個有趣的網絡視頻,還是寫論文的十字路口時,非理性的東西就會占據上風,你的原始衝動就會壓制你的理性思維,強迫你想出合理化的藉口來為一些不良的行為辯護。所以解決辦法並不關乎理性,你必須採用一種情感策略,這種策略就是順從。順從,這就有點麻煩了。沒有人會在談生產力時談論順從這個詞,他們只會在一些其他情境下談論它,但我們不會去討論其他情境,其他情況與這個頻道的內容沒有關係。What I mean by submission, it is a feeling ofmelting into what you're supposed to be doing.It's not increasing the tension in your bodyto try to fight and bully your monkey brain into doingwhat your more logical side of your brain wants it to do.No, it's acknowledgingthat doing what you're supposed to do feels difficult,it's feeling that tension that's stopping youfrom doing that thing, and letting go of it,and doing the thing anyways.We need to get good at shutting the brain off,stopping the chatter of rationalization and escapism,reduce the tension in our body,take a deep breath, and just do the thing.We can think about all the rationalizations afterwards.我所說的順從,是一種融入進你應該做的事情的感覺,它不是增加你身體的緊張感,試圖對抗和壓制你的原始衝動去做你的理性大腦想要做的事,不是這樣的,而是要承認做你應該做的事會很難受,要感覺到阻礙你去做那件事的那種緊張感,然後放下它,去做你該做的事。我們需要善於停止思考,停止不斷地找藉口以及逃避,減少身體的緊張感,深呼吸,動手做這件事,我們可以做完事後再考慮所有理性上的東西。But submitting to what you already knowyou're supposed to be doingis less of a psychological feeling,it's more of a physiological feeling.And again, this might sound very woo-woo,but if you've ever tried to take cold showersor go cliff jumping with your friends,it's the same feeling.You almost submit to the discomfort.If you're standing there at the edge of the cliffand you don't want to jump,even though you know it's perfectly safe,it's a very steep drop off, very deep water,nothing could happen to you.You almost need to just submit to the gravity.Same thing with cold showers.If you already know you're going to enterinto the cold shower and feel very uncomfortable,the only way that you're gonna get in thereis if you just walk in.You stop the chatter, you stop thinking.但順從於你已經知道你應該做的事情,不是一種心理上的感覺,更像是一種生理上的感覺,這可能聽上去虛無縹緲,但如果你曾嘗試過洗冷水澡,或和朋友一起去懸崖跳水,這些都是同樣的感覺。你要順從於這種不適感,如果你站在懸崖邊上,你不想跳下去,即使你知道這是完全安全的,懸崖非常陡,水也非常深,你不會有危險,這時你需要做的就是順從重力,洗冷水澡也是如此。如果你已經知道你將洗冷水澡,並因此感到非常不舒服,那麼你要實現這件事的唯一方法,就是走進淋浴間,你停止害怕,停止猶豫。The mind is corrosive.It'll try to figure out all these different little waysto weasel out of it and you don't end up doing it.It's like if you already know this is what you must do,relax your body and submit to it.And while you're in the cold shower,it feels so much colder if you maintain this resistance,if you try to fight the cold,if you tense up your bodyand you try to convince yourself to power through it.It's so much better if you just concentrate on the cold,you fully submit to it, you fully focus on it,and you accept the fact that it's cold,and then it ceases to be so cold.You're allowing yourself to relax into this discomfort,and it actually feels quite euphoric when you do that.I think this is the key to stop procrastinating.I think this is the key to make better decisions in the moment.You've already heard the logical reasonsas to why you should do the thingthat you're supposed to do.You know that your life will be dramatically betterif the majority of the time you spend here on this Earth,you exist in a head space where you have already donethe most important thing that you need to do.大腦具有破壞性,大腦會想盡藉口來逃避,使你最終做不成這件事。如果你已經知道這是你必須做的,那麼就放鬆你的身體,順從要做的事。而當你在洗冷水澡時,如果你繼續抵抗,如果你試圖對抗寒冷,如果你繃緊身體,試圖說服自己克服這種寒冷,那麼你就會愈發感覺冷。而如果你只是專注於冷,你完全順從這種感覺,你完全專注於它,你接受很冷這一事實,就會感覺不那麼冷了,你會好受得多,你允許自己在這種不舒服的狀態中放鬆下來。當你這樣做時,實際上會令你很愉快,這就是克服拖延的關鍵,這就是在當下做出更好決定的關鍵。你已經知道了為什麼你需要做你應該做的事情的理性上的原因。如果你人生的大部分時間都處於知道你已經完成了你該做的事情的心理狀態中。你的生活將大大改善,你已經知道這對你有好處。You already know that this is so good for you.The only step now is when you're confrontedwith the crossroads is to just turn the brain off,to submit to what you're supposed to do.It's like submitting to the highest version of yourselfand you start to develop trustthat that highest version of yourselfhas your best interest in mind.So if you are now motivated and excitedto submit to your destiny and you want further readingor other resources that will help you do that,then I highly recommend the audiobook,"The ONE Thing" by Gary Keller,which is an audiobook I frequently revisitusing today's video sponsor, Audible,because that book really talks about a lot of the thingsthat I talked about in this video.It's about distilling down all of these thingsthat you have to do into this important thingand it helps you tackle doing this thing as early as possibleso that you can live the rest of your dayhaving already done this thingand having that very narrative change your entire life.現在唯一要做的就是,當你面對十字路口的時候,什麼都不要想,順從於你應該做的事情,這就約等於順從於一個更好的自己,你開始建立信任,相信那個更好的你,知道什麼才是對你最好的。如果你現在感到非常興奮、充滿動力,想要順從你的命運,並且你想進一步閱讀其他能夠幫助你的資源。那麼我強烈推薦有聲讀物加里·凱勒的《最重要的事只有一件》。我經常在Audible上重溫這本書,因為這本書中講了很多我在這期視頻中談到的內容,這本書會教你把所有那些你必須做的事情凝練成這件最重要的事,它還會幫助你儘可能早地完成這件事情,這樣你往後的生活都會早早完成最重要的事,並且通過這一敘述改變你的整個生活。