
Variations in Patch Use by Ruminant and Non-ruminant Herbivores in a Tropical Wildlife Reserve, Ghana

Godfred BEMPAH, Joseph K. AFRIFA, Moses A. NARTEYet al.


Godfred BEMPAH, Joseph K. AFRIFA, Moses A. NARTEY 等

DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2022.06.018


Food processing and consumption by herbivores are affected differently by the availability of forage quality and quantity per unit of time. This demonstrates the 「Allometric response concept」, and it is considered a significant determinant in habitat use for foraging by grazers. The relevance of this approach has comprehensively been applied to herbivores of different body sizes, but little is known about its demonstration to explain patch use in herbivores with different digestive physiology and body size. We explain the use of patches by grazing herbivores of different digestive physiology and body sizes,Hippopotamus amphibius(hippopotamus, mega non-ruminant) and cattle (ruminant), by integrating foraging relationship herbivores. We analysed the significant relationships between species dropping densities and environmental variables across forty-eight 100 m×100 m plots in Bui National Park, Ghana, during the wet and dry seasons. We found that both species utilised areas closer to the river in the wet season, but theH. amphibiusforaged further away from the river during the dry season. Sward height also determined patch use by both species, with theH. amphibiusutilising shorter swards than the cattle. Considering the quality of food resources, the study revealed that patch selection of ruminants (cattle) was significantly influenced by nitrogen content. In contrast, acidic detergent fibre content was positively related to non-ruminant species (H. amphibius). The high seasonal effect of sward height and food quality on patch use is primarily due to the species digestive physiology and body size of hippopotamus and cattle at the Bui National Park.

摘 要:

食草動物處理和消耗食物受單位時間內飼料質量和數量有效性的不同影響。異速反應理論被認為是食草動物覓食 棲息地選擇的重要決定因素, 並已經被廣泛應用於不同體型的食草動物研究。但其在解釋不同消化生理和體型的食草動物如何利用生境斑塊方面尚不明確。本研究通過整合河馬(河馬科,大型非反芻動物)和牛(反芻動物)的覓食關係,揭示了不同消化生理和體型的食草動物對生境斑塊的應用。整個雨季和旱季,通過在加納的 Bui 國家公園布設的 48 塊 100 m×100 m 的樣方來分析物種密度降低與環境變量之間的顯著關係。結果表明,雨季河馬和牛更傾向於利用靠近河流的區域,但河馬在旱季會選擇遠離河流的地區覓食。草地的高度也決定了這兩個物種對草地的利用,河馬選擇使用更矮的草地。分析食物的質量可知,食物氮含量對反芻動物(牛)的斑塊選擇有顯著影響。然而,酸性清潔纖維含量則與非反芻動物(河馬)呈正相關。在 Bui 國家公園,草地高度和食物質量對斑塊使用的高季節性影響主要是由河馬和牛的消化生理和體型不同所決定。

Citation:Godfred BEMPAH, Joseph K. AFRIFA, Moses A. NARTEY, et al. 2022. Variations in Patch Use by Ruminant and Non-ruminant Herbivores in a Tropical Wildlife Reserve, Ghana.Journal of Resources and Ecology, 13(6): 1143–1151.



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