Nestlé has defended its decision to stay in Russia by saying it would not profit from its operations there as Ukraine upped the pressure on the world’s biggest food companyto withdraw as the war intensifies and casualtiesmount.
Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky called out Swiss group Nestléin a streamed speech to protesters in Switzerland’s capital of Bern on Saturday, pointing out the incongruitybetween its slogan「good food, good life」 and it actions.
烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾•澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)上周六通過流媒體向瑞士首都伯爾尼的抗議者發表演講時,點名批評了瑞士雀巢集團,指出其行動與其口號「優質食品,美好生活」不符。
「Business in Russia works even though our children die and our cities are destroyed,」 he said, accordingto local mediareports.
The comments are part of a broader campaign carried out by Zelensky and his government to lobbymultinationals that are staying in Russia.
第一,學習up的熟詞僻義。這個詞作及物動詞,可表示to increase the amount or level of something,提高;增加,例:They』ve upped their offer by 5%. 他們把出價提高了5%。注意它的過去分詞和現在分詞形式是upped和upping,大家注意識別。
第二,學習call sb out的用法。這個詞組表示to ask or order a person or an organization to help, especially in a difficult or dangerous situation,〔尤指在出現困難或險情時〕要求某人來,命令某人出動〔來幫忙〕,例:The army was called out to help fight fires. 軍隊被派來幫助滅火。
第三,學習incongruity的用法。這個詞作名詞,表示the fact that something is strange, unusual, or unsuitable in a particular situation,不和諧;不合適;不相稱,例:The incongruity of her situation struck Gina with unpleasant force. 吉娜猛然意識到自己處境尷尬,心裡很不舒服。注意這個詞後常接between,例:He didn’t see the slightest incongruity between the idealism of his plays and his own morals. 他沒看出他戲劇中的理想主義和他自己的道德觀有絲毫不相稱。
In a speech to the US Congresslast week, Zelensky urgedpoliticians to play their part in getting companies to stop financing the 「Russian militarymachine」, naming a numberof them including food companies Unilever and Mondelez International, European banks Raiffeisen and Société Générale, and pharmaceutical groups Bayer and Sanofi.
上周向美國國會發表講話時,澤連斯基敦促政界人士發揮自己的作用,敦促企業停止為「俄羅斯軍事機器」提供資金。他當時點名了多家公司,包括食品公司聯合利華(Unilever)和億滋國際(Mondelez International)、奧地利奧合國際銀行(Raiffeisen)和法國興業銀行(Société Générale),以及製藥集團拜耳(Bayer)和賽諾菲(Sanofi)。
Nestlé for its partsaid that it had already 「significantly scaledback」 its activities in Russia by stopping all imports and exports, except for 「essentialproducts」, and ceasinginvestmentand advertising.
「We do not make a profit from our remaining activities,」 the Vevey-based company said. 「The fact that we, like other food companies, supply the population with important food does not mean that we simply continue as before.」
Nestlé, which owns brands including Gerber baby food, Nespresso coffee, and Perrier water, has more than 7,000 employeesin Russia and earned about 2 per cent of its 2021 revenueof SFr87bn in the country. Six factories there are still operating and delivering product to retailers.
The corporate exodusfrom Russia has acceleratedwith some groups citingdismayat Moscow’s aggression, while others admit privately that they are also motivatedby the logistical challenges of operating there amidheavy sanctions.
第一,學習for my/his part etc的用法。這個詞組用於正式場合,表示used when saying what a particular person thinks or does, as opposed to other people,就我/他等而言,例:For my part, I prefer living in the country. 就我而言,我寧願住在鄉下。
第二,學習exodus的用法。這個詞常作單數名詞,表示a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular place at the same time,〔大批人同時的〕離開,涌離,例:A massiveexodus of doctors is forcing the government torecruitfrom abroad. 大批醫生的離去正迫使政府從國外招聘。
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