AI 求職為大家精選人工智能領域最新鮮的招聘信息,助你先人一步投遞,快人一步入職!
Monash Medical AI
We are seeking a Level A/B research-only academic is expected to contribute towards the research effort of medical AI, data science/machine learning in medicine and bioinformatics. Our research goal is to identify genetic, structural, metabolic and environmental factors that affect treatment outcomes in people with epilepsy and related neurological conditions (e.g. following stroke), and promote the translation of research findings into clinical practice using personalized medicine to improve treatment outcomes for patients.
1. Strong track-record in machine learning, medical imaging processing or bioinformatics (e.g. MICCAI/NeurIPS/ICML/Bioinformatics/Briefings in Bioinformatics).
2. Knowledge in EHR/EMR and genomics.
3. Proved research experiences on neurology AI projects with great impact would be a plus.
4. Excellent programming skills (in C++ and Matlab/Python) are required.
5. The candidate is also expected to have a strong foundation in data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, NLP, especially deep learning (using e.g. Keras, PyTorch). Knowledge of computational biomechanics techniques (e.g. finite element) is a plus.
6. Demonstrated analytical and manuscript preparation skills.
7. Ability to solve complex problems by using discretion, innovation and the exercise diagnostic skills and/or expertise.
8. Well-developed planning and organisational skills, with the ability to prioritise multiple tasks and set and meet deadlines.
9. Excellent written communication and verbal communication skills with proven ability to produce clear, succinct reports and documents.
10. A demonstrated awareness of the principles of confidentiality, privacy and information handling.
11. A demonstrated capacity to work in a collegiate manner with other staff in the workplace.
12. Demonstrated computer literacy and proficiency in the production of high level work using software such as Microsoft Office applications and specified University software programs, with the capability and willingness to learn new packages as appropriate.
以研究為核心,推進醫療 AI 算法在醫學圖像,自然語言文本,生物信息等方向的前進和應用。
1. 計算機科學,人工智能,醫學影像,數學,統計學在讀博士,碩士,本科;
2. 代碼經歷過硬,有過算法實踐和落地經驗;
3. 實習期 6 個月+;
4. 良好的英語文獻閱讀能力和表達能力(海外合作者溝通和交流)。

騰訊天衍實驗室|華為諾亞方舟實驗室|上海人工智能實驗室|瀾舟科技|百度智能生活事業群組|中科院自動化所|浙江大學杭州國際科創中心|深透醫療|曠視研究院3D組|OpenMMLab|PayPal|百度視覺技術團隊|360人工智能研究院|聆心智能|美團騎行算法團隊|深圳瑞德林生物|清華OpenBMB團隊|騰訊微信事業群|OPPO研究院|阿里達摩院XR實驗室|字節跳動智能創作圖像團隊|科大訊飛智慧醫療研究院|NVIDIA初創加速計劃團隊|京東探索研究院|微軟亞洲互聯網工程院|中科院計算機網絡信息中心|商湯科技研究院|螞蟻金服智能引擎技術事業部|微軟亞洲互聯網工程院|華為雲Edge AI團隊|微軟亞洲研究院機器學習組|字節跳動商業化內容理解中台|微軟搜索廣告算法團隊|英特爾中國研究院|騰訊優圖實驗室視頻組|IDEA數字經濟研究院|微軟亞洲互聯網工程院|小紅書社區技術部|啟元實驗室|三星通信研究院|攝星智能|易航智能|阿里媽媽展示廣告團隊|浪潮集團|商湯科技SenseParrots團隊|字節跳動Data-電商團隊|索尼中國研究院|阿里巴巴國際化廣告技術團隊
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AI 求職是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能領域的招聘平台,涵蓋高校碩博招生、博士後招募、企業校招、社招、實習和內推等。