#English Study#Idioms: Music to my ears. 「Music to my ears」means something that someone says that is pleasant to hear. You say something is 「music to your ears」 when you hear good news, or just news that makes you happy. Music is pleasant to listen to, that is where this expression comes from. Here is an example: Hearing my daughter say 「mama」 for the first time was music to my ears! Think of someone special in your life. What could you say to them today that would be music to their ears? #AmericanEnglish#
「Music to my ears」指的是某人說的一些令人愉快的話。當你聽到好消息,或是讓你感到高興的消息時,你會說它是 "Music to my ears"。音樂是令人愉快的,這就是這一表達的由來。例句:: Hearing my daughter say 「mama」 for the first time was music to my ears! (第一次聽到女兒叫「媽媽」對我來說是最動聽的話。)想一想你生活中某個特別的人。你今天可以對他們說什麼好聽的話?#AmericanEnglish#