In my last video,I went over 10 ways to quickly ruin your life,and it is by far the most depressing videoI have ever made in my life.And a lot of you who watched that video said,"Wow, I don't actually need a tutorial for this.I see myself in every single one of those pointsand I don't know what to do.I've been depressed for a long time,or maybe I haven't been feeling well for a long time,and this video just sort of reminds meof what a big piece of (censored beep) I am."I literally read that same comment verbatim 50 times.So I felt obligated to make this videobecause I want to take each point from the last videoand flip it to give you guys some ideasto help you rise from the ashes,get out of whatever depressive rut that you're inso that you can start feeling better very quickly.我在上期視頻談了10種迅速廢掉你這一生的方式如何快速廢掉你這一生?,那是迄今為止我做過的最壓抑的一期視頻。很多看了那個視頻的人都說,「我其實根本不需要這樣的教程,其中每一條中都有我的身影,但我不知道該怎麼辦,我已經廢了很久,或者說我已經很久沒有振作精神,這支視頻只是提醒了我,我是多麼的垃圾」。我真的逐字逐句、一字不差地讀了50遍相同的評論,我覺得我有責任做這個視頻,因為我想把上期視頻中的每一條都翻轉過來,給你們提供一些思路,幫助你們重新振作,走出你們所面臨的任何壓抑困境,讓你們快速變得更好。Step number one is to have a goal.You need to figure out what you want from your life.And a lot of the timewe already kind of know what we want with our lives,but it is sort of just this vague sentiment.We know that we probably want to have more moneyor we want to have a girlfriend, or we want to pass schoolor to feel better or to have big muscles or cool hair.Like we have all these vague sentiments,but we haven't really sat downand separated the wheat from the chaff.We haven't figured out what thingsare actually important to us,what things get us excited to wake up in the morningand we don't really outlinewhat kind of person we want to be specifically.你需要弄清楚你想要的什麼。很多時候,我們多少已經知道我們到底想要什麼。但只停留在含糊不清的感性層面,我們也許想擁有更多的錢,想交女朋友,或者想通過考試,或者振作起來,或者擁有八塊腹肌或帥氣的髮型,所有這些含糊不清的感性的意願,我們一樣不少。但我們還沒有真正冷靜下來,好好分清哪些是真正的目標。我們還沒有搞清楚哪些渴望對我們來說是真正重要的,哪些事情讓我們早晨一覺醒來興奮不已。我們並沒有真正勾勒出,我們具體想成為什麼樣的人。How do we ideally want to spend our time?How much time should we spend playing Runescape?How do we want to feel on a day to day basis?What kind of relationships do we want to have?All of these things are so important to outline specifically,otherwise we don't really have an aim.We have all of these vague sentiments of thingsthat we kind of want and that would be nice,but we have absolutely no specific goalsand absolutely no specific steps to get there.And without that aim, we are by definition, aimless.我們希望如何使用我們的時間?我們應該在玩遊戲(Runescape)上花多少時間?我們想要什麼樣的日常感受?我們想擁有什麼樣的關係?所有這些東西都非常重要,需要我們詳細勾勒,否則我們就不算目標明確。所有這些含混不清的感性意願,我們多少都想要,意願也很美好,但我們完全沒有具體的目標,也完全沒有具體的實施步驟,而沒有明確的目標,我們就是無頭蒼蠅。So no wonder we kind of descend into nihilismwithout a goal.We need goals to strive towards,and it's in that striving that we find meaning,we find that internal fulfillmentthat we're usually looking forwhen we're spending time on Instagram and whatnot.We're sort of looking for this feeling of resolution,like you're where you're supposed to be.You find that feeling by being on your pathand you don't know if you're on your pathif you don't have a goal.So it is so important to spend some time,sit down with a pen and paper and figure out in detailwhat you want your life to look like one month from now,one year from now, and five years from now.所以難怪沒有明確目標就很容易讓我們陷入空虛與妄想,我們需要為了目標去努力,正是在這種努力中,我們找到了意義,找到了我們常常在社交媒體之類的平台上消磨時間時尋找的內在實現感。我們在尋求一種堅定感,就好像尋找你應該在的位置,你在實現目標的過程中就能找到這種感覺。而如果你沒有明確目標,你也就無從知曉,你是否在前進的路上。因此,花一些時間,拿出筆紙,坐下來,仔細地想想想,你希望你的生活在一個月後、一年後和五年後變成什麼樣子,這一點非常重要。Step number two is step out of the cave.One of the easiest ways by far to descend into despairis to spend all of your time inside in front of screensgetting sucked into endless algorithms,being force fed topics that you are growing tired of,and it seems to be the same things every single day.You watch the same videosand you think the same thoughts.So it's extremely important that if you don't like that,that you stop spending so much time inside your house.You have to step outside of the cave,let the sunlight and vitamin D hit your skin,go be a person in the world,stop spending so much time in isolation.That's probably one of the biggest things thatthe past couple of years have taught us isspending all of our times in front of a screenisn't exactly good for our mental health.So emerge from the cave as much as possible.Let people know your name, get to know people,have people know you.陷入絕望的最簡單的方法之一就是把你所有的時間都浪費在屏幕前,陷入無盡的算法推薦中,被強行灌輸你逐漸厭倦的主題。而且似乎每天都在重複同樣的事情,不斷看同樣的視頻,不斷重複思考,極其重要的是,如果你不喜歡這樣,就不要一直宅在房間裡,你必須走出封閉之所,讓你的皮膚接受陽光和維生素D。去親身感受這個世界,不要總處於孤獨狀態,這可能是過去幾年教會我們的最重要的事情之一,就是把所有時間都浪費在屏幕前,對我們的心理健康不利,所以儘可能地不要封閉自己,讓人們知道你的名字,認識他人,也讓他人認識你。By being a person in the world,we stop being so closed in on ourselves,our soul becomes this black holethat just requires entertainmentand people to validate you.And we almost draw the world in towards ourselfrather than being out thereand radiating this sort of abundant giving nature,as woo-woo as that sounds.When we spend so much time in isolation,we get so self-conscious that every other external inputis sort of like trying to fill this hole that we create in ourselves.Let's stop that.Get outside of the house, go talk to somebody.Stop spending all of your time in your little cave.As much as you are capable, go be a person in the world.親身感受這個世界,可以防止我們過度地封閉自己,防止我們的靈魂陷入純粹娛樂的無底洞,甚至需要他人來確認你是否安好。我們總是等外面的世界向我們張開懷抱,而不是主動出擊,去發揮我們豐富的天性,雖然這聽起來有點拗口。當我們太長時間處於孤獨狀態,我們就會變得太過自我,以至於所有的外部輸入都像是在填補我們在自己身上創造的空洞。不要封閉自己,走出家門,去找人聊聊天,不要再把所有的時間都花在你的封閉區里,盡你最大努力去親身感受這個世界。Step number three to dramatically improve your lifeis to take risks.Life is inherently risky, by being alive, you risk dying,by crossing the street, you risk getting hit by a bus.There are so many things that could go wrongand probably will go wrong in your life,and a lot of these thingsare completely out of your control.You can't escape bad things happening to you.You feel pain anyways.So why not feel the pain of trying and failingrather than the pain of apathy and despair and neglect?This doesn't meanspend all of your money on the latest crypto thingand hope to get rich because that's just dumb.Start off small, try to strike up a conversationwith the person in the elevator or the grocery checkout.生活本就是有風險的,活着就有死亡的風險,過馬路就有被公交車撞的風險。生活中的很多事情都會不如意,很有可能偏離軌道,而且很多事情,你是完全無法控制的,你無法避免在會遇到壞事,無論如何,你都會遭遇悲痛,那麼相比忍受冷漠和絕望以及忽視之痛,為什麼不感受一些嘗試與失敗之痛呢?這並不意味着,把你所有的錢都投在最新的加密貨幣上,並希望靠加密貨幣發財,因為這種做法很蠢。從小事做起,嘗試在電梯裡,或在雜貨店結賬時與人交談。You might risk being perceived as sort of a weird personthat people don't want to talk to,but that's a great exampleof a risk that is kind of worth takingbecause even if you are seen as a weirdoand they literally go, "Ugh, why are you talking to me?"That sort of rejection,when you voluntarily subject yourselfand you are aware that that could happen,but you do it anyways, that is an empowering rejection.That's the thing about risk,when you are aware of the negative downsides,but you make a calculated decision to go for it anyways.When that downside happens,you at least respect yourself for trying.And as you take more risks in life,as you step outside of your comfort zone,you start to get better at evaluating risk.你可能會冒着被當作是怪物因此人們並不想與你交談的風險,但這是一個很好的例子,是一種值得承擔的風險,因為即使你被看作是怪物,即使對方真的說,「你為什麼要和我說話?」,你清楚這種拒絕可能會發生,但你還是不顧後果自願去做了,這樣的拒絕就會讓你變得強大,這就是風險。當你意識到可能會有負面的結果,但深思熟慮後,你還是決心去做這件事,而當這種負面結果真的發生,你至少可以尊重自己做出的努力。當你在生活中承擔更多的風險,當你走出你的舒適區,你會開始變得更善於評估風險。You start to be a better judgeof what could go wildly wrong with very little upsideversus what has like pretty good upsideand very little downside.You start to develop resilience,you start to develop this like bounce back nature,this anti fragility,so it's never too late to start taking more risks.Obviously don't be dumb, if you have a family,don't bank everything on the stock market,especially right now.Don't quote me on that, it's just a hunch.But like I said, from the start, life is inherently risky.By not taking risks and not getting comfortable with risks,that's risky in and of itself.In fact, it's worse than riskybecause not only do you risknot getting what you eventually want in life,you pretty much guarantee it.So if you're starting to feel sort of apathetic in life,stop sitting at the shore,living in fearfor the next big wave to get all of your clothes wet,learn to surf and expect to be bad at the start,but you'll get better.你將能夠更好地拿捏哪些事弊大而利小,而哪些事利大而弊小。你開始培養順應力,建立起快速恢復的能力,克服脆弱。所以現在開始承擔更多的風險永遠都不晚,當然不要做傻事,如果你有家庭,不要把一切都寄托在股市上,尤其是在當今的市場環境下,不必將我的話奉為圭臬,這只是我的一種預感,但就像我剛剛說的,生活本來就是有風險的,不承擔風險和不適應風險,本身也是一種風險。事實上,這比風險更可怕,因為這不僅使你有可能無法實現你想要的生活,甚至幾乎可以確定你無法實現。因此,如果你開始對當前的生活感到麻木,不要無動於衷,生活在恐懼中,生怕一場大浪把你拍死在沙灘上,學會衝浪,勇敢應對,儘管一開始會很糟糕,但你知道你會變好。The fourth thing that you can doto dramatically improve your lifeis to get out of your head.Assuming you followed step oneand you developed a clear visionof what you want with your lifeand the things that you typically want to do each day,then you've already done plenty amount of thinking.So often in our lives we thinkthat we need to think things throughin order to do something,but like for 99% of the things, we really do not.Like, if you really feel likeyou should be getting back into the gym againand you start to feel inspired because you watch this like,I don't know, workout montage transformation videowhere like, "Oh, yeah man,I really should start going to the gym again."so you start looking up new workout clothes to buy,you start spending money on this likeadvanced YouTuber fitness influencer program.You spend all your money at GNC.It's like you don't need to do this much thinking,just go to the (censored beep) gym.假設你遵循了第一步,你對你想要的生活和你通常每天想做的事情有了清晰的認識,那麼你已經完成了大量的思考。生活中,我們常常認為,我們要把事情想得一清二楚才能付諸行動。但是其實99%的事情,都不必想太多,例如說,如果你真的覺得你應該開始回歸健身,因為你看了某人健身前後變化的視頻,讓你備受鼓舞,你開始覺得,「沒錯,我真的應該重新開始去健身」,於是你開始瀏覽該買什麼樣的新健身設備,你開始在視頻網站上購買某些高級健身課程,你把錢都花在了購買補充劑上,而事實上你根本不需要考慮這麼多,直接去健身就行了。Do the thing before you can even think about it,because as soon as you start thinking, you already know,you're an absolute master at finding a wayto weasel out of it.Even if the rationale is fairly cohesive,the result is that you didn't end up doing it.So many things in life are like this.If you need to write your final essay,as soon as you think about itand you already know it's good for you,you need to become efficientat just putting one foot in front of the otherand already start doing it.Like literally shut your brain offand start thinking about the essaywhen you've already written like six words for it.99% of us have a problem of overthinking,not under thinking.在你開始胡思亂想之前就去做事,因為你很清楚,一旦你開始思考,你大腦非常擅長找到藉口來逃避它。即使你把一切安排的再好,最終的結果還是你沒有去做,生活中的許多事情都是這樣。如果你需要完成論文,當你想到寫論文,而且你已經知道這是一件對你有益的事情,你就需要變得高效,只需要邁開腿,開始行動,停止其他的胡思亂想,專注于思考你的文章,哪怕你才只寫了六個字。99%的人都會思考過度,而不是考慮不足。Step number five is produce.第五是 去做生產者 (之前也有文章說過這一點,別只做消費者,去做生產者)Always produce more than you consume.And in this highly consumeristic culture,that is very challenging,especially if you are like most people nowadays,including myself, if I'm not careful.So many of us sort of sit there living life passively.You know, we're living life on our heelswillingly hypnotizing uswith whatever content is displayed for uswhen we enter in YouTube,you know, maybe that's this video.Maybe you've been incessantly watchingself-improvement content.Click away from this video.You don't need this video.Like come back to it later,go do the thing that you're supposed to do.You know, go produce, stop consuming content like this.你的生產要始終大於你的消費,而在當今這種高度消費主義的文化中,這一點很難做到,特別是如果你像現在的大多數人一樣,包括我自己,如果我不夠謹慎也會落入陷阱。我們許多人都只是在被動地生活,你知道,當我們打開視頻網站,我們會心甘情願地消費任何推送給我們的內容來催眠自己,也許本視頻就是,也許你一直在看各種自我提升的內容,那麼立即關掉這個視頻,你不需要看本視頻,你可以以後再看,先去做你該做的事情,去做生產者,停止消費重複的算法推薦內容。If it's the end of the dayand you're kicking back and having a good time,then maybe keep on watching.But I'm literally gonna screw myselfwith this video algorithm wisebecause I genuinely mean it.Go do something more important.Life feels so much more excitingwhen you are creating more than you're consuming.If you like watching videos, learn to make them.If you like scrolling Instagram, looking at photos,learn to take them.The satisfaction that we're longing forwhen we're doom scrolling is the feeling of creation.It's being in the flow state,feeling like you are where you're supposed to beand you're doing something significant.You're putting something out into the world.So always try to produce at least as much as you consume,preferably more.如果一天結束,你閒下來放鬆的時候,那時可以再繼續看下去,但這個建議,我真想找個洞鑽進去,因為算法推薦很聰明,不過我是真心的,去做一些更重要的事情吧。當你生產的東西比你消費的東西多的時候,生活會有趣得多。如果你喜歡看視頻,就學習製作視頻。如果你喜歡瀏覽照片,就學着拍攝。我們在不停瀏覽時所渴望的滿足感,其實就是創造的感覺,是當你進入心流狀態時,感覺到你在做該做的事,做一些有意義的事情,向世界輸出一些東西,至少你的生產要與你的消費同樣多,最好是更多。Step number six is to welcome feedback.Don't just surround yourselfwith people who think exactly who you thinkand you have like three or four people that you talk toand you all have the same opinions about everythingand you look with judgment on peoplewho live life differentlybecause your world is so small, that's pretty much everybody.It's important to have an inner circle, absolutely.And a lot of the time your inner circlewill think a lot like you think, absolutely.But surround yourself with people who challenge you,who wanna hold you to a higher standard.If you start to stray off the path,they can bring you back onto it.And a lot of the time that won't be very comfortable,a lot of the time that'll be a hit to the ego.不要只與那些與你想法相同的人相處,你可能有三四個經常聊天的人,你們對所有事情都持同樣的看法,你們用評判的眼光看待那些生活方式不同的人,因為你的世界太小了,幾乎每個人都是不同的。當然,有一個核心的小圈子是很重要的,而毫無疑問很多時候,你的小圈子的想法和你的想法很相似,但是也要與那些挑戰你的觀點,想要以更高的標準要求你的人相處。如果你開始偏離正軌,他們可以把你帶回到正路上,而很多時候這會令你感到不適,很多時候這是對自我的一種打擊。But you want to find peoplewho want the best for the best version of you.Not just people who want you to be comfortable all the time.Try to reflect on the factthat you probably don't know everythingand there's a lot to learn from other people.This doesn't mean to be spinelessand not stand up for what you think is right,but do it in a way that is solution oriented,not ego oriented.You do not know everything.但是你應該去找到那些真心希望你變好的人。不僅僅是那些希望你一直舒適的人,試着反思一下,你可能並不了解所有的事情,有很多東西你可以從其他人那裡學到,這並不意味着要沒有骨氣,不為你認為正確的事情挺身而出,而是說要以解決問題為根本,而不是以自我為中心,你並不是什麼都知道。Number seven is be vulnerable.Now a lot of you might say,"That one sounds pretty beta to be honest with you.That sounds super beta.Joey's a beta, sure."By being vulnerable, I don't mean expose your vital organsto a dirty bandit with a sharp knife.I mean, don't be afraid to be emotionally vulnerable,emotionally honest, to your inner circle,to the people who are holding you to a higher standard.Now what does this mean and what's the utility of this?Well, let's look at the alternative,the alternative is to be secretive,to have things that you're ashamed ofthat you never tell anybody.You stuff it down, you pretend it doesn't exist.And a lot of the time when you have bad habits or addictionsor something like that and you keep them hidden,they tend to blossom in the shadows.Right, they start to weigh on youfar more than they probably should.When you don't expose your flawsand your darker side to anybody,when you're not emotionally vulnerable and honest,you know, no one really knows who you are.You conceal a part of yourself from the world.現在你們中的很多人可能會說,「老實說,這種形容聽起來很軟弱,這聽起來非常軟弱,喬伊是個軟弱的人,當然了」。我所說的脆弱,並不是指將你的重要器官暴露在一個拿着尖刀的骯髒強盜面前,我的意思是,不要害怕在情感上脆弱,對你的小圈子,對那些對你有更高標準要求的人,在情感上誠實,這意味着什麼,這有什麼用處?讓我們先來看看另一種選擇。另一種選擇是保密,那些讓你感到羞恥的事情,你從不告訴任何人,你把它藏起來,假裝它不存在,而很多時候,當你有壞習慣或成癮或類似的東西而你選擇把它們藏起來,它們往往會在暗處生長,它們對你的影響,會遠超過它們應有的程度。當你不向任何人暴露,你的缺陷和你的陰暗面時,當你在情感上做不到脆弱和誠實時,就沒有人真正了解你,你向世界隱瞞了自己的一部分。Reflect on your life.Are there things that you do behind closed doorsthat you wouldn't do if that door were to swing openand grandma was home?That's a very weird way to put it.And if there are things that we dothat we don't want to admit to other people,it's important to find the courage to let somebody know,somebody that you trust.This is a very Christian idea actually.Confession isn't for God or for the priestor for a person that you're confiding in, it's for you.It's to shed light on the darker aspects of yourselfto sort of like heal it, to like purge it in a way,'cause these darker sides of ourselves thrive in secrecy.Don't be afraid to confide in somebody that you trustabout things that you're not so proud ofbecause a weight will come off your shouldersevery single time.It's like cathartic.And then you can live your life with more freedomto sort of pursue the higher version of yourself.Where do you find these types of people?Outside of your house.反思你的生活,是否有一些你關起門來做的事情。如果那扇門被打開,奶奶也在家,你就不會做?這個形容太奇怪了。如果我們做了一些不想向別人承認的事情,重要的是要鼓起勇氣讓別人知道,讓你信任的人知道,這其實是一個非常基督教式的觀念,懺悔不是為了上帝、牧師,或為了你傾訴的人,而是為了你自己。這是為了照亮你自己的黑暗面,以某種方式治癒它,以某種方式清除它,因為我們的這些黑暗面會在隱秘中茁壯成長,不要害怕向你信任的人傾訴你不太願意承認的事情,因為每一次傾訴都能減輕你肩上的負擔,這就像宣洩一樣,然後你就可以更自由地生活,去追求更好的自己,你該去哪裡找到這樣的人?走出你那封閉的房間。Thing number eight,to dramatically improve the rest of your life,this one's probably the hardest one to do,it's the one that I struggle with the most,and that is to embrace conflict.第八件大幅改善你的往後生活的事情,這可能是最難做到的一點,也是我最糾結的一點,那就是擁抱矛盾。Now this one might sound interesting,but the alternative is to run from conflict.If you have a problem with something,let somebody know, right.Otherwise, you're an absolute doormat.If someone wrongs you,you know, does something to hurt you,does something out of line that you don't appreciate,"don't just be like, "Oh no, it's okay."Because if it's not okay, it's not okay,don't say that it's okay.Because by doing that, you look weaker,so that person is more likely to take advantage of youin the future.And they say like, "Wow, this guy's an absolute doormat."這可能聽起來很有意思,但與其對立的是逃避矛盾。如果你內心藏在什麼事情,說出來,否則,你就是一個絕對的受氣包。如果有人錯怪了你,做了一些傷害你的事情,做了一些觸碰你底線的事情,不要只是說:「哦不,這沒關係」。因為有關係就是有關係,不要說沒關係,因為這種做法會顯得你很軟弱,在以後只會被別人變本加厲地利用。他們會說,「哇,這傢伙絕對是個受氣包」。But far worse is that you don't respect yourself as much.You say like, "Wow, I just let people walk all over mebecause I don't want to dealwith slight discomfort in the short term."That's something I struggle with personally.You know, I'm a pretty agreeable person a lot of the time,I wanna make sure everyone's comfortableand having a good time.And I have fairly thick skin, I played hockeyand dressing room culture in small town Canada,people throw jabs.And I don't think that like being overly sensitiveis particularly beneficial in that circumstance.You do have to let stuff kind of bounce off a little bit,but when something crosses the line, you know it.And a lot of the time those aren't like little jabsor you know humor,a lot of the time that's just like straight up disrespect.但更糟糕的是,你也不再尊重自己。你會說,「我放任他人隨意踐踏我,因為我不想處理那些短暫的不適」。這也是我也在糾結的事情,因為我很多時候都是個很好說話的人,我想確保每個人都很舒服,一起度過愉快的時光,我的臉皮相當厚,我打過冰球,在加拿大小鎮的更衣室文化中,人們都喜歡互相打趣,而且我不認為在這種情況下,太過敏感是一件好事,你得能夠稍微適應這些文化,但不能放任其越過你的底線,很多時候,這些並不是小打小鬧或所謂的幽默,很多時候,這已經是直接的不尊重。They say something about a family member of yoursor at work, something genuinely unfair or unprofessionalor unsafe happens.Don't just be like, "That's all right,yeah, like don't worry about it."But yeah.You have to speak up, right?Otherwise you don't have a spine.And if you've gotten in the habitof doing this over years and years and years,you almost have to like re-earn your spine again.And that's tough, that's really tough.It's something that is extremely importantbecause that goes along with honesty.他們說了一些關於你的家人的閒話,或者在工作中,發生了一些真正的不公平或不專業,或不安全的事情,不要只是說,「沒關係,不必介懷」。而是有關係,你必須說出來,否則你就是真的沒骨氣。而如果你已經養成習慣多年來一直保持這樣的作風,你必須重新找回你的骨氣,而這很難,這真的很難,但這又極其重要,因為這關乎誠實。Speak the truth.If you don't like something, say that you don't like it.Be willing to risk people perceivingyou as mildly unpleasant in the momentin order to gain respect,not just from the people around you,but respect for yourself.When the elephant in the room comes barging in,talk about the elephant,be like, "Hey, look at that elephant right there.What are we gonna do about it?The thing's (censored beep) huge."Don't have elephants in your room.They don't belong in your room,they belong in the zoo or in the wild.Actually, if I say they belong in the zoo,I'll get canceled.They belongelsewhere.說實話。如果你不喜歡某樣東西,就說你不喜歡。願意冒着在當下讓人們對你稍稍有看法的風險來獲得尊重,不僅僅要獲得你身邊的人的尊重,也要獲得你自己的尊重。當房間裡有大象闖進來時(房間裡的大象隱喻某件雖然明顯卻被集體視而不見、不做討論的事情),就談談這頭大象,要像這樣,「嘿,看那隻大象,我們要怎麼做呢?這玩意兒也太大了」。不要把大象留在房間裡,它們不屬於你的房間,他們屬於動物園或野外。實際上,如果我說他們屬於動物園,我會被抵制的,它們屬於別的地方。Step number nine, don't play Runescape.I put that tip in the videoand it's like the number one comment is like Lamel,I died at play Runescape.I played a lot of Runescape, like a lot.I think I should change it in the videoto play Runescape three,because old school Runescape still slaps.我把這條建議放到視頻當中,它更像是一條對我自己的批評,我曾毀於玩遊戲Runescape,我花很多時間來玩遊戲Runescape,很多很多。我想我應該在視頻中改成玩Runescape 3遊戲,因為從前的Runescape還是很精彩的。All right, tip number 10 is be optimistic.I think optimism gets a bad rapbecause people will look at optimism and they'll say,"Man, this person is not based.He doesn't realize that there's a lot of suffering in the world,and it's not all sunshine and rainbows."But unless I have a different definition of what optimism is,optimism is the opposite of pessimism.Pessimism is where you look at any situationand you find the negative in it.You know, the glass is always half empty.If you are a pessimist,you compulsively put a negative spin on things.You have a habit of looking at anything goodor neutral or bad and finding the fault in all of it.我認為樂觀主義現在的評價不太好,因為對於樂觀主義人們往往會說,「這個人簡直沒有常識,他沒有意識到,世界上有很多苦難,並不都是陽光和彩虹」。但是,除非我對什麼是樂觀主義有不同的定義,否則樂觀主義應該就是悲觀主義的反面。悲觀主義是指你看待任何情況時,都會在其中找到負面的東西。杯子總是半空的。如果你是一個悲觀主義者,你就會強迫性地對事情進行負面的描述,你會習慣於無論看到好的,中性的還是壞的東西,都能在其中找到問題。And while that might be true,because the fabric of our realityis inherently tainted in a lot of ways,suffering is a part of life.Everyone's aware of that,but why would you add to the sufferingby being compulsively negative, by finding a way to complainor lament about all these things you have to do?You're basically cutting yourself off at the kneesbefore you can get going.There's no shortage of suffering in the world.You know, life is hard.People on motorbikes could ruin your shotas you're trying to do a video at 11:00 PM,when you have to wake up at 5:00 AMto catch a flight to London,"Oh, life is so hard, I'm going to London."If you have a tendency to compulsivelylook for the negative in everything,you add to the net suffering of your life,it doesn't improve your life to be overly negative, right.雖然問題可能是真的。因為我們的現實結構在很多方面都有其固有的缺陷,痛苦是生活的一部分,每個人都知道這一點,但你為什麼要通過強迫性的消極,通過不斷抱怨或嘆息所有這些你必須做的事情來增加痛苦?你基本上是在開始行動之前,就先令自己感受到了挫敗,世界上不乏苦難的存在。生活很艱難,當你想在晚上11點做一個視頻的時候,鏡頭中騎摩托車的人可能會毀掉你的視頻。當你必須在早上5點起床,趕去往倫敦的航班,「哦,生活如此艱難,我得去倫敦」。如果你習慣性地尋找一切事物中的負面因素,你只會增加你生活的痛苦,過度消極並不能改善你的生活。Seek to find the good in everythingrather than the negative.That's what being an optimist is all about.It's not being blind to the negative aspectsof the reality around you,it's choosing to focus on what's good.There's a reason why gratitude journalshave been shown to cure in a lot of peopleclinical anxiety or insomnia, right.There's some really interesting studies on that,and it's because people focuson the positive aspects of their livesand the things that they're grateful for.It doesn't mean that they like created anything new,they're just remembering things differentlyand they feel better about their lives, right.尋求在一切事物中美好的一面,而不是消極的一面,這就是一個樂觀主義者要做的,這不是對你周圍現實的消極方面視而不見,而是選擇專注於積極的方面。為什麼感恩日記被證明可以治癒很多人的臨床焦慮或失眠是有原因的,對此有一些非常有趣的研究,這是因為人們專注於他們生活的積極方面和他們所感激的事情,這並不意味着他們創造了什麼新東西,他們只是以不同的方式記住了一些東西,他們也因此對自己的生活感覺更好。They have a internal piece that they're fosteringbecause they're ableto habitually see the positive aspect of things.And there's the motorcycle again, I love the motorcyclebecause it reminds me of what an amazing job I have.Do I actually think that?I don't know, but I feel good rather than negative.And if you're really good at being a pessimist,it's really difficult to actually recognizewhen you're doing it because you do it so regularlyand it's such a intellectual slight of handthat it's really hard to pick up a lot of the time.This is a very difficult thing to doto remain optimistic in times of trial.It's not easy, but it is deeply meaningfuland is deeply satisfying to try to be that person.他們正在培養內心世界的積極部分,因為他們能夠習慣性地看到事情的積極方面,摩托車又來了,我喜歡那輛摩托車,因為它提醒我,我有一份多麼了不起的工作,我真的這麼想嗎?我不知道,但這至少不會帶給我消極的感覺。如果你真的很擅長做一個悲觀主義者,實際上是很難發覺的,因為這是你一貫的作風,這是一種智力上的欺騙手段,在很多時候真的很難被發現。在艱難的時候保持樂觀,是一件非常困難的事情,這並不容易,但它很有意義。努力成為這樣的人,將會帶給你巨大的滿足。So try to recognize all the little waysthat you are being negative about your yourself,being negative about your capabilities, about your future,about your past, your present.Try to find all little ways that you're spinning little fun,little spiderwebs into negativity,I don't know how that makes sense, it doesn't,but neither does being negative.So if you've made it to the end of this video,try that today for the rest of the dayor make a note of it tomorrow.Be extra mindful about the stories you tell yourselfabout the world around you and about your own life.Is this a hopeful storyor is this an overly bleak and negative storywith no aim and no encouragement?因此,努力去發覺所有你對自己感到消極的小方面,對你的能力感到消極、對你的未來、對你的過去、你的現在,試着去發現你是怎麼把那些小樂趣也變得消極的,這說的通嗎,也許不能,但消極更說不通。因此,如果你已經看到了這期視頻的結尾。在今天剩下的時間裡,或在明天嘗試做一個記錄,要格外注意你要告訴自己的,那些周圍世界和你自己的生活的故事,這是一個充滿希望的故事,還是一個沒有目標、沒有鼓勵,過於暗淡和消極的故事?The world isn't a very encouraging place,and the last personthat should be robbing you of encouragement is yourself.Your life gets better when you're optimistic.I will die on that hill.If you have been not feeling so good,you watched my last video and it made things worse.Then hopefully by listening to some of these these tips,you are starting to get some ideasas to how you can start feeling better.And again, a lot of these thingsare just scratching the surface,maybe these things weren't very practical or hands on,but hopefully they got your mind workingas to how to get out of some of the negative thought patternsthat we find ourselves inso that you can dramatically improvethe remainder of your life.這個世界並不是一個很能鼓舞人心的地方,而最不應該剝奪你對自己的鼓勵的人就是你自己。當你樂觀時,你的生活會變得更好,我始終堅信這一點。如果你一直感覺不是很好,你看了我的上一期視頻感覺更糟糕了,那麼希望通過這些提示,能讓你開始有一些想法,知道如何能開始振作起來,還要說的是,很多內容只不過是很淺層的,也許不是很實用,也不是很好着手,但希望它們能讓你的頭腦運轉起來,了解如何擺脫我們發現自己身處的一些負面思維模式,使你能夠極大地改善往後的生活。本期譯製團:
source:The Art of Improvement