
Exploring the Scale Effects of Trade-offs and Synergies of Multifunctional Cultivated Land—Evidence from Wuhan Metropolitan Area

YANG Fengyanzi, HU Weiyan



DOI: 10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2022.06.016


The purpose of this paper is to explore the trade-offs and synergies of multifunctional cultivated land (MCL) at multiple scales. The study area is Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China. The entropy method and the method of Spearman's rank correlation were employed for the analysis of combined land use/cover data, administrative division data, population data and statistical yearbook data, from the multi-scale perspectives of cities, counties and townships. The results showed that: (1) The multi-functionality of cultivated land had obvious spatial differences and its overall spatial patterns were relatively robust, which did not change very much at the single scale. (2) At each single scale, the MCL's trade-offs and synergies had spatial heterogeneity. (3) Scale effects existed in the MCL's trade-offs and synergies. From the prefecture-level city scale, to the county scale, and to the township scale, the MCL's trade-offs were changed to synergies, and some synergic relationships were enhanced. This article contributes to the literature by deepening the multiscale analysis of trade-offs and synergies of multifunctional cultivated land. The conclusions might provide a basis for helping policy-makers to implement protection measures for the multi-functionality of cultivated land at the right spatial scale, and to promote the higher-level synergies of multifunctional cultivated land to realize its sustainable use.

摘 要:

本文以武漢城市圈為例,採用熵權法和斯皮爾曼相關分析法,結合土地利用/覆被數據、行政區劃數據、人口數據 和統計年鑑數據,分別從市級尺度、區縣尺度和鄉鎮尺度探討耕地多功能權衡與協同的尺度效應。研究結果表明:(1)耕地多功能具有較明顯的空間分異,但不同尺度的總體空間分布格局保持不變。(2)在各單一尺度上,耕地多功能的權衡與協同具有空間異質性。(3)耕地多功能權衡和協同存在尺度效應。隨着尺度的縮小,耕地功能之間的關係由權衡向協同、協同逐漸增強轉化, 由統計上不顯著向顯著轉化。文章的理論貢獻在於從多尺度角度開展耕地多功能權衡與協同研究。該結論可為管理決策者在適當的空間尺度制定相應的耕地數量、質量和生態保護管理聯動策略,促進耕地多功能協同供給與可持續利用提供依據。

Citation:YANG Fengyanzi, HU Weiyan. 2022. Exploring the Scale Effects of Trade-offs and Synergies of Multifunctional Cultivated Land—Evidence from Wuhan Metropolitan Area.Journal of Resources and Ecology, 13(6): 1116–1127.



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