1) Put: 說、表達,可以是口頭或書面。大家可以理解為擺放語言、文字。
Well put: 說得好
Put it in your own words: 用你自己的話來表達 (說或寫)
How can I put it? 我要如何開口呢?(常用於要說一些複雜、或對方難接受的內容之前)
2) Put up with: 忍受
Can't put up with someone or something: 無法忍受某人或某事
I really can't put up with the construction noise from my neighbor: 我實在不能忍受鄰居家裝修的聲音。
How long are you going to put up with his unreasonable behavior? 你還要忍耐他這種無理的舉動多久?
3) Put down: 放下
We can't seem to put down our phones nowadays: 現在大家似乎都放不下手機。
Unputdownable: 形容詞,形容一樣東西很有吸引力、放不下來,是那種你能拿在手裡的東西,比如一本書寫得很精彩,可以說: This book is simply unputdownable.
4) Put on: 呈現、帶上(動詞)
Let's put on a show about "put"! 我們做個關於"put"的節目吧!
Put-on: 偽裝、造作(形容詞)
He was very nice, but it didn't seem very genuine. It felt put on: 他態度很好,但感覺不真誠,好像裝出來的。
5) Put off: 與put on一樣,也有幾個不同的意思
a) 延期、延後
We had to put off our holiday plans because of work: 因為工作,我們延期了度假計劃。
b) 使人不喜歡、甚至厭惡
When I was a kid, I was put off by some really strong flavors: 我小時候,非常不喜歡某些重口味。
Some people find the smell and taste of blue cheese off-putting while others love it: 有些人覺得藍芝士味道特別難聞、難吃,有些人則非常喜愛。
6) Put forward: 提出、擺上、放在眾人面前
The team put forward some really creative ideas at the meeting: 團隊在會議上提出了不少有創意的想法。
7) Put in(to): 放進去、投入,可以用在具象或抽象事物上
Put your clothes in the closet: 把衣服放進衣櫥里。
You need to put more time and effort into your work: 你工作上要多投入時間和努力。
She put a lot of thought into the present: 她買禮物花了很多心思。
Put yourself in someone's shoes: 設身處地為別人着想、培養同理心
Put your foot in your mouth: 搬起石頭砸自己的腳、打臉
Put your money where your mouth is: 不說空話、拿出實際行動。
Don't put all your eggs in(to) one basket: 別把所有的雞蛋放在一個籃子裡。
*Put a ring on it: 快求婚吧,it指無名指。Beyoncé有一首歌曲Single Ladies別名就叫Put a ring on it,並且歌詞裡也反覆出現。