picture from Internet
構建和指標是許多尋求構建和測試理論的研究者的核心工作,研究者通過構建和指標解釋現實世界現象。關於構建和指標的性質存在廣泛的討論,並逐漸出現爭議。使用Bunge’s (1977, 1979) 本體論,本文檢驗現存文獻中探討的構建和指標的性質。本文精確地定義了這些概念,並將概念與測量問題分離,並指出可以更好進行的方式。本文展示了一維構建、多維構建,維度和指標是一類事物時的所有屬性。本文同時展示只有焦點構建的同義詞、包含焦點構建的預排序中成功的或之前的屬性,三類指標存在。本文從本體論上考察了內容效度、收斂效度、區別效度和內部一致性信度的概念,並展示了它們問題的本質。本文介紹了兩個概念,具有嚴格的本體論基礎的範圍效度和指標的伴隨水平。它們共同為評估指標集的結構效度提供了改進的基礎。
Constructs and indicators are central to the efforts of many researchers who seek to build and test theories and articulate rich narratives about real-world phenomena. For this reason, an extensive discourse exists about their nature. Increasingly, this discourse has become fraught with controversy. Using Bunge’s (1977, 1979) ontology, I examine the nature of constructs and indicators as they are discussed in the extant literature. I define these concepts precisely, disentangle conceptual from measurement issues, and point to ways that discourse about them could better proceed. I show that unidimensional constructs, multidimensional constructs, dimensions, and indicators are all properties in general of a class of things. I also show that only three types of indicators exist—synonyms of the focal construct and succeeding or preceding properties in a pre-order of properties that includes the focal construct. I examine ontologically the notions of content validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and internal-consistency reliability and show their problematic nature. I introduce two new concepts, scope validity and the level of concomitance of indicators, that have rigorous ontological foundations. Together, they provide an improved foundation for assessing the construct validity of a set of indicators.
參考文獻:Ron Weber, Constructs and Indicators: An Ontological Analysis. [J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1644-1678.
2. 社交媒體的影響:2011年埃及革命期間的推文調查
Through the lens of social movement theory, this paper investigates the drivers of individual users』 social influence on Twitter during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. Following this lens, we suggest an extended model of sustained social influence (that considers retweets as the measure of user influence) as a function of the duality of individual Twitter users』 social actions and the underlying facilitating Twitter network structure. Based on an analysis of organic large-scale Twitter data on this social movement, we examine how characteristics of individuals』 social actions, namely activity and tenure on Twitter, and characteristics facilitated by the network (i.e., the number of followers as well as centrality in the community structure of Twitter), impact retweet influence in time windows spanning the movement. Utilizing a mixed methods approach consisting of machine learning and human coding we conceptualize social movement-related engagement activities of Twitter users, which map to generic frames of social movement mobilization. The analysis reveals interesting patterns across different contexts of the Egyptian Revolution. Regarding individual social action, social movement related to 「who」 and 「where」 activities, as well as tenure, were found to contribute to individual social influence. In terms of the facilitating structure, the follower network (an observed network structure) and centrality (an unobserved network structure) were both found to contribute significantly to sustained influence
參考文獻: Srikanth Venkatesan, Rohit Valecha, Niam Yaraghi, Onook Oh, H. Raghav Rao. Influence in social media: An investigation of tweets spanning the 2011 Egyptian revolution [J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1679-1714.
3. 檢驗違反信息安全政策的神經基礎:一種非侵入腦刺激方法
非侵入信息安全策略(ISP)違規行為會對組織造成重大損害。本文拓展對員工為什麼從事此類行為的理解。大量違反ISP的研究都是基於人們違反ISP以獲得個人利益的原則,正如理性選擇和期望理論所解釋的。但是這個假設檢驗不充分,主要使用相關方法。本文目的是通過使用非侵入腦刺激方法(NIBS)技術來改善這一論點的因果基礎,這實際上調節大腦處理價值/收益評估區域的大腦活動。因此,NIBS可以大大增加因果關係,預期的獎勵會導致違反ISP規範。本文基於期望理論和神經科學知識來將為什麼降低左背外側前額葉皮層(LDLPFC)神經元的興奮性可以降低對違反ISP理論化。本文使用一種稱之為高清直流電刺激(HD-tDCS)的NIBS技術的四個實驗來檢驗這一想法。研究發現支持L DLPFC很可能涉及到違反ISP的期望理論的主張,並且為這種違反行為背書可以通過NIBS技術進行實驗調整。這些發現擴展了對網絡安全行為的理解,提高了對理性選擇理論研究中最常見假設的因果支持,理性選擇模型研究ISP違反由感知利益刺激,指出需要考慮L DLPFC研究在技術中介活動中的積極效用(或有吸引力的),並為未來腦刺激技術在信息系統中開展更顯著的因果關係研究鋪平了道路。
Nonmalicious information security policy (ISP) violations can cause organizations significant harm. Here, we aim to extend the understanding of why employees engage in such acts. A large body of ISP violation research is based on the tenet that people violate ISPs to obtain personal benefits, as explained by rational choice and expectancy theories. But this assumption has only been weakly tested, using mostly correlational approaches. Our objective is to improve the causal basis for this argument by using a noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) technique, which actually modulates brain activity in regions of the brain that process value/gain assessments. Therefore, it can substantially increase the claim of causality—that expected rewards lead to ISP violations. To do so, we build on expectancy theory and neuroscience knowledge to theorize why reducing the excitability of neurons in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L DLPFC) can lower the endorsement of ISP violations. We test this idea in four experiments in which we use a NIBS technique called high-definition direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS). Our findings support the assertion that the L DLPFC is likely involved in the expectancy theory of ISP violations, and that endorsing such violations can be experimentally adjusted with NIBS techniques. These findings extend the understanding of cybersecurity behaviors, improve the causal support for the common assumption made by rational choice theory studies that ISP violations are motivated through perceived benefits, point to the need to consider the L DLPFC in research on positively valenced (or attractive) technology-mediated actions, and pave the way for future use of brain stimulation techniques for stronger causality claims in information systems research.
參考文獻:Turel O, He Q, Wen Y. Examining the Neural Basis of Information Security Policy Violations: A Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Approach[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2020, 45(4):1715-1744.
4. 誰忘記了在線市場的篩查,為什麼?來自Airbnb的證據
Screening is considered a necessary mechanism for alleviating information asymmetry but has also raised concerns about increased discrimination in online peer-to-peer market platforms. Paradoxically, providers of goods and services may also voluntarily forgo screening, even though it increases the risks and costs associated with poor matches. We examine who may choose to forgo screening and why, and its impact on their performance outcomes. Our study’s empirical context is the Airbnb platform, wherein the 「Instant Book」 feature enables hosts to forgo the screening of guests. Utilizing a unique panel dataset of all listings in New York City during August 2015-February 2017, we first explore the antecedents of voluntarily switching to instant booking and then causally identify the impacts of switching. Our study provides evidence of the economic benefits of forgoing screening from increased occupancy even as review ratings decline; these effects are stronger for Black and female hosts. We discuss the strategic and social welfare implications of these findings within the context of current conversations on discrimination and bias in the sharing economy.
參考文獻:Raveesh Mayya, Shun Ye, Siva Viswanathan, Rajshree Agarwal. Who forgoes screening in online markets and why? Evidence from Airbnb[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4):1745-1776.
5. 回老東家的意向:IT專業員回之前僱主意向的驅動因素分析
Recent statistics indicate that most organizations prefer to fill IT vacancies by rehiring IT professionals who previously worked in the organization. Less is known about what drives IT professionals to 「turnback,」 a term we define as returning to employment with a former employer. To explain this important and rarely considered IT job mobility behavior, we build on job embeddedness theory and on the concepts of shocks and job dissatisfaction from, among others, the unfolding model of voluntary turnover to develop the theory of IT professional turnback. We perform fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of data collected from 248 IT professionals to draw conclusions about the intention among IT professionals to return to work for a former employer, and develop a midrange theory. Our results reveal two configurations contributing to high turnback intention and three configurations contributing to low turnback intention. Our model distinguishes between work shocks, personal shocks, and IT work shocks. IT shocks are a new category of shocks specific to the IT profession. We contribute theoretically by theorizing a behavior relevant to IT professionals and explaining attributes driving turnback intention.
參考文獻: Christian Maier, Sven Laumer, Damien Joseph, Jens Mattke, Tim Weitzel. Turnback Intention: An Analysis of the Drivers of IT Professionals』 Intention to Return to a Former Employer[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1777-1806.
6. 使用異質性處理效應的最優政策部署規定性分析框架
We define a prescriptive analytics framework that addresses the needs of a constrained decision-maker facing, ex ante, unknown costs and benefits of multiple policy levers. The framework is general in nature and can be deployed in any utility-maximizing context, public or private. It relies on randomized field experiments for causal inference, machine learning for estimating heterogeneous treatment effects, and on the optimization of an integer linear program for converting predictions into decisions. The net result is the discovery of individual-level targeting of policy interventions to maximize overall utility under a budget constraint. The framework is set in the context of the four pillars of analytics and is especially valuable for companies that already have an existing practice of running A/B tests. The key contribution of this work is to develop and operationalize a framework to exploit both within- and between-treatment arm heterogeneity in the utility response function in order to derive benefits from future (optimized) prescriptions. We demonstrate the value of this framework as compared to benchmark practices—i.e., the use of the average treatment effect, uplift modeling, as well as an extension to contextual bandits—in two different settings. Unlike these standard approaches, our framework is able to recognize, adapt to, and exploit the (potential) presence of different subpopulations that experience varying costs and benefits within a treatment arm while also exhibiting differential costs and benefits across treatment arms. As a result, we find a targeting strategy that produces an order of magnitude improvement in expected total utility for the case where significant within- and between-treatment arm heterogeneity exists.
參考文獻:Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, and Ravi Bapna, Tianshu Sun. A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment Using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1807-1832.
7. 發展中國家的信息技術與政府腐敗:來自加納海關的證據
The literature on information technology (IT) and government corruption in developing countries indicates contradictory evidence about the realization of anti-corruption effects. So far, there is no theoretical explanation of why the anti-corruption potential of IT demonstrated in some countries is not realized in many other countries. Drawing evidence from a case study of information systems interventions at Ghana customs over 35 years, we investigate how and why IT’s anti-corruption potential may be curtailed in the context of developing countries』 governments and societies. We focus on IT mediated petty corruption practices of street-level officers, which we consider to be socially embedded and institutionally conditioned phenomena. We find that conditions of possibility for the IT-mediated petty corruption practices are created during the implementation of information systems. The configuration of IT and organizational processes of a government agency are constrained by the broader government administration system and influenced by the vested interests of government officers, politicians, and businesses. Subsequently, the co-optation of IT for petty corruption practices is enabled by networks of relationships and institutions of patronage that extend across government, business, and society. We thus explain the often limited effects of IT on petty corruption as the inability of localized information systems implementations to change modes of government administration that are embedded in the enduring neopatrimonial institutions and politics of many developing countries.
參考文獻:Atta Addo, Chrisanthi Avgerou. Information Technology and Government Corruption in Developing Countries: Evidence from Ghana Customs[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1833-1862.
8. 隱私關注和物聯網上的數據共享:來自聯網汽車的混合方法
The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly transforming the way we work, live, and travel. IoT devices collect, store, analyze, and act upon a continuous stream of data as a by-product of everyday use. However, IoT devices need unrestricted data access to fully function. As such, they invade users』 virtual and physical space and raise far-reaching privacy challenges that are unlike those examined in other contexts. As advanced IoT devices, connected cars offer a unique setting to review and extend established theory and evidence on privacy and data
sharing. Employing a sequential mixed methods design, we conducted an interview study (n=120), a survey study (n=333), and a field experiment (n=324) among car drivers to develop and validate a contextualized model of individuals』 data sharing decisions. Our findings from the three studies highlight the interplay between virtual and physical risks in shaping drivers』 privacy concerns and data sharing decisions—with information privacy and data security emerging as discrete yet closely interrelated concepts. Our findings also highlight the importance of psychological ownership, conceptualized as drivers』 feelings of possession toward their driving data, as an important addition to established privacy calculus models of data sharing. This novel perspective explains why individuals are reluctant to share even low-sensitivity data that do not raise privacy concerns. The psychological ownership perspective has implications for designing incentives for data-enabled services in ways that augment drivers』 self-efficacy and psychological ownership and thereby encourage them to share driving data. These insights help reconcile a fundamental tension among IoT users—how to avail the benefits of dataenabled IoT devices while reducing the psychological costs associated with the sharing of personal data.
參考文獻:Patrick Cichy, Torsten Oliver Salge, Rajiv Kohli. Rrivacy Concerns and Data Sharing in the Internet of Things: Mixed Methods Evidence from Connected Cars[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1863-1892.
9. 通過分析視角調和選擇過載的矛盾發現
Too much of a good thing can be harmful. Choice overload, a compelling paradox in consumer psychology, exemplifies this notion with the idea that offering more product options could impede rather than improve consumer satisfaction, even when consumers are free to ignore any available option. After attracting intense interest in the past decades from multiple disciplines, research on choice overload has produced voluminous yet paradoxical findings that are widely perceived as inconsistent even at the meta-analytic level. This paper launches an interdisciplinary inquiry to resolve the inconsistencies on both the conceptual and empirical fronts. Specifically, we identified a surprising but robust pattern among the existing empirical evidence for the choice overload effect and demonstrated through mathematical analysis and extensive simulation studies that the pattern would only likely emerge from one specific type of latent mechanism underlying the moderated choice overload effect. The paper discusses the research and practical implications of our findings—namely, the broad promise of analytical meta-analysis (an emerging area for the use of data analytics) and machine learning to address the widely recognized inconsistencies in social and behavioral sciences, and the unique and salient role of the information systems community in developing this new era of meta-analysis.
參考文獻: Nan Zhang, Heng Xu. Reconciling the Paradoxical Findings of Choice Overload Through an Analytical Lens[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1893-1920.
10. 競爭任務和任務質量:眾包競賽的實證研究
An outcome of the rising popularity of crowdsourcing contest platforms has been an increase in the number of tasks available on a platform at the same time. These concurrent tasks compete for the attention of the same pool of solvers. There is some evidence that an increase in the number of competing tasks can reduce the number of solvers participating in a focal task. However, it is not clear exactly how competing tasks influence the quality of tasks, as represented by the best solutions they receive. Using data collected from a popular crowdsourcing platform, we investigate the effects of competing tasks and uncover important underlying mechanisms governing the relationship between competing tasks and task quality. Through analyses at the task, solver, and submission levels, we establish that competing tasks can influence task quality in two ways. First, the number of solvers in each task decreases when there are more competing tasks, and this reduction negatively impacts task quality. Second, the availability of a greater number of competing tasks leads to solvers participating in more tasks simultaneously. This multitasking in turn allows solvers to learn from other tasks, generate better solutions, and improve task quality. Interestingly, we find that these opposing forces offset each other, and that the overall solution quality of the focal task is not affected, despite the fact that an increase in the number of competing tasks reduces the number of solvers participating it.
參考文獻:Jiahui Mo, Sumit Sarkar, Syam Menon. Competing Tasks and Task Quality: An Empirical Study of Crowdsourcing Contests[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1921-1948.
11. 利用多源異構數據進行金融風險預測:基於自適應方法的新型混合策略
Emerging phenomena of ubiquitous multisource data offer promising avenues for making breakthroughs in financial risk prediction. While most existing methods for financial risk prediction are based on a single information source, which may not adequately capture various complex factors that jointly influence financial risks, we propose a hybrid-strategy-based self-adaptive method to effectively leverage heterogeneous soft information drawn from a variety of sources. The method uses a proposed new features parsity learning method to adaptively integrate multisource heterogeneous soft features with hard features and a proposed improved evidential reasoning rule to adaptively aggregate base classifier predictions, thereby alleviating both the declarative bias and the procedural bias of the learning process. Evaluation in two cases at the individual level (concerning borrowers at a P2P lending platform) and the company level (concerning listed companies in the Chinese stock market) showed that, compared with relying solely on hard features, effectively incorporating multisource heterogeneous soft features using our proposed method enabled earlier prediction of financial risks with desirable performance.
參考文獻:Gang Wang, Gang Chen, Huimin Zhao, Feng Zhang, Shanlin Yang, Tian Lu. Leveraging Multisource Heterogeneous Data for Financial Risk Prediction: A Novel Hybrid-Strategy-Based Self-Adaptive Method[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1949-1998.
12. 在線勞工平台上工作的算法管理:當匹配滿足控制時
Online labor platforms (OLPs) can use algorithms along two dimensions: matching and control. While previous research has paid considerable attention to how OLPs optimize matching and accommodate market needs, OLPs can also employ algorithms to monitor and tightly control platform work. In this paper, we examine the nature of platform work on OLPs, and the role of algorithmic management in organizing how such work is conducted. Using a qualitative study of Uber drivers』 perceptions, supplemented by interviews with Uber executives and engineers, we present a grounded theory that captures the algorithmic management of work on OLPs. In the context of both algorithmic matching and algorithmic control, platform workers experience tensions relating to work execution, compensation, and belonging. We show that these tensions trigger market-like and organization-like response behaviors by platform workers. Our research contributes to the emerging literature on OLPs.
參考文獻:Mareike Möhlmann, Lior Zalmanson, Ola Henfridsson, Robert Wayne Gregory. Algorithmic Management of Work on Online Labor Platforms: When Matching Meets Control[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 1999-2022.
Information systems development (ISD) requires both business domain and technology domain knowledge. How cross-domain knowledge affects ISD outcomes is one of the most fundamental and persistent problems in the IS field. We argue that the effect of cross-domain knowledge depends on its distribution across business and IT units and ISD complexity in terms of level and pattern of design element interdependencies. We systematically investigate the complex effects of cross-domain knowledge on ISD performance by using simulations based on the NK fitness landscapes model. We find that cross-domain knowledge not only increases ISD performance but also reduces its variability. These effects are greater when ISD complexity is greater. Cross domain knowledge is found to increase the robustness of ISD performance across different patterns of design element interdependencies. Interestingly, ISD performance is higher when cross-domain knowledge is unevenly distributed across business and IS units and when its distribution pattern matches the pattern of the design element interdependencies. These findings suggest that the effect of cross-domain knowledge on ISD performance is not fixed but depends on its structural pattern, the level and pattern of design element interdependencies, and their interactions. This study illuminates how and why challenges in ISD might be structural and how, why, and when cross-domain knowledge might help to overcome these challenges. We develop a theoretical framework and propositions based on our findings.
參考文獻:Jungpil Hahn, Gwanhoo Lee. The Complex Effects of Cross-Domain Knowledge on IS Development: A Simulation-Based Theory Development[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2023-2054.
14. 調查影響IT部門性別平等的因素變化的性質:愛爾蘭婦女的縱向研究
How and why do societal, organizational and individual factors affecting gender equity in the IT field change over time? To answer this question a longitudinal investigation of the nature of change in factors affecting the position of women in the IT profession was undertaken. It was conducted in Ireland against the backdrop of fluctuations in the nation’s socio-economic status. The individual differences theory of gender and IT was used to analyze life history interviews conducted at four points in time with a total of 63 women whose stories cover the decades from the 1970s to the 2010s. What resulted is a dynamic extension of this theory through the addition of seven themes that characterize the nature of change in factors affecting women IT professionals. The effect on women of economic changes in Ireland is shown to occur through changes in other factors: environmental (i.e., policy, infrastructural, and cultural), identity (e.g., motherhood) and individual (e.g., family). The results reveal both gradual and dramatic changes in an evolving picture of women in this sector, against the back drop of the peaks and valleys of Ireland’s economy. Both transformational and enduring images emerge from this look at Ireland over five decades.
參考文獻:Eileen Trauth, Regina Connolly. Investigating the Nature of Change in Factors Affecting Gender Equity in the IT Sector: A Longitudinal Study of Women in Ireland[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2055-2100.
15. 系統分析與設計中的認知圖理解與人物表現
Models play an important role in systems analysis and design (SAD). A diagrammatic model is defined as a mapping from a domain to a visual representation in such a way that relevant information is preserved to meet a specific goal. So far, cognitive research on diagram criteria in relation to task performance has been fragmented. The aim of this paper is to (1) consolidate research on the cognitive processing steps involved during understanding and task performance with diagrams, (2) consolidate corresponding criteria for such diagrams to best support cognitive processing, and (3) demonstrate the support effective diagrams provide for per forming SAD tasks. Addressing the first aim, we develop a theoretical cognitive framework of task performance with diagrams called CogniDia. It integrates different cognitive theories from research on diagrams in software engineering and information systems. Regarding the second aim, we review the literature to organize criteria for effective cognitive processing of diagrams. We identify research gaps on verbal and task processing. Regarding the third aim, we use the theoretical cognitive framework to investigate how diagrams support the SAD process effectively.
參考文獻:Monika Malinova, Jan Mendling. Cognitive Diagram Understanding and Task Performance in Systems Analysis and Design[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2101-2157.
16. 何時以及誰來進行平台公司收購?理解收購在平台公司成長中的作用
The success of platform companies often depends on their ability to 「scale」 their customer and supplier base. Existing studies have focused on a variety of approaches that platforms may use to scale but have not systematically considered that platforms might acquire other companies as part of this growth strategy. In this paper, we study the acquisition patterns of digital platform companies and contrast these with the acquisition patterns of digital non-platform companies. We find that platform companies acquire earlier (shortly after founding) when compared with non-platform companies, and they often first acquire competing platform companies from the same market niche. As platform companies mature, they begin to acquire non-platform companies from other market niches. This contrasts with how acquisitions are made by non-platform companies, as shown in our analysis.
參考文獻:Milan Miric, Margherita Pagani, Omar A. El Sawy. When and Who Do Platform Companies Acquire? Understanding the Role of Acquisitions in the Growth of Platform Companies[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2159-2174.
17. CEO風險激勵與IT創新:CEO的IT相關人力資本的調節作用
Despite the importance of information technology (IT) innovation in today’s digitalized world, little research attention has been paid to examining how firms can incentivize IT innovation. To fill this gap, the current study investigates the impact of managerial incentives provided to chief executive officers (CEOs) on IT innovation, measured by the number of IT patents. In particular, we examine the role of risk-taking incentives provided to CEOs, captured by the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock return volatility (i.e., Vega). Vega can motivate CEOs to engage in risky IT innovation projects by aligning their wealth with firm-specific risk. In so doing, we focus on how CEOs』 IT-related human capital (i.e., IT education and IT experience) moderates the relationship between Vega and IT innovation. Our empirical analyses reveal that a higher Vega encourages CEOs to support more IT innovation; more importantly, the impact of Vega on the amount of IT patents is stronger for firms with CEOs who have higher levels of IT education and IT experience. Our study contributes to research and practice by conceptualizing a CEO’s IT-related human capital and validating its moderating role in the relationship between risk-taking incentives provided to the CEO and the amount of IT innovation.
參考文獻:Inmyung Choi, Sunghun Chung, Kunsoo Han, Alain Pinsonneault. CEO Risk-Taking Incentives and IT Innovation: The Moderating Role of a CEO’s IT-Related Human Capital[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2175-2192.
18. 在線產品評論:細粒度的評級方案要優於粗粒度的嗎?
Product review platforms in online marketplaces differ with respect to the granularity of product quality information they provide. While some platforms provide a single overall rating for product quality (also referred to as the single-dimensional rating scheme), others provide a separate rating for each individual quality attribute (also referred to as the multidimensional rating scheme). The multidimensional rating scheme is superior to the single-dimensional rating scheme, ceteris paribus, in reducing consumers』 uncertainty about product quality and value. However, we show that, when sellers respond to product ratings by adjusting their prices, compared to the single-dimensional rating scheme, the multidimensional rating scheme does not always benefit consumers, nor does it necessarily benefit sellers or society. The uncertainty associated with quality attribute rating and the extent of differentiation between competing products determines whether a finer-grained multidimensional rating scheme is superior to a coarser grained single-dimensional rating scheme from the consumer, seller, and social planner perspectives. The main driver of the results is that more (less) granular and less (more) uncertain information exposes (hides) underlying differentiation, or a lack thereof, between competing products, which, in turn, alters upstream price competition in the presence of heterogeneous consumer preferences. The results demonstrate that focusing on the information transfer aspect of rating schemes provides only a partial understanding of the true impacts of rating schemes.
參考文獻:Murat M. Tunc, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Srinivasan Raghunathan. Online Product Reviews: Is a Finer-Grained Rating Scheme Superior to a Coarser One?[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2193-2234.
19. 移動應用安全的經濟學:一項實證研究
The growth of mobile devices coupled with advances in mobile technologies has resulted in the development and widespread use of a variety of mobile applications (apps). Mobile apps have been developed for social networking, banking, receiving daily news, maintaining fitness, and job-related tasks. The security of apps is an important concern. However, in some cases, app developers may be less interested in investing in the security of apps, if users are unwilling to pay for the added security. In this paper, we empirically examine whether consumers are less willing to pay for security features than for usability features. In addition, we examine whether a third-party certification of security features makes customers more willing to pay for security. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of risk perceptions on the willingness to pay for security. To explore these issues, we conducted a scenario-based experiment on mobile app users. Results from our analyses show that consumers are indeed less likely to pay for security features than usability features. However, the likelihood of paying for security features can be significantly increased by third-party certification of the features. Based on our analysis, we offer insights to producers of mobile apps to monetize the enhanced security features of their apps.
Pallab Sanyal, Nirup Menon, Mikko Siponen. An Empirical Examination of the Economics of Mobile Application Security[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2235-2260.
20. 重新配置來實現靈敏性:通過組織政策實驗來檢驗團隊自主權的績效影響
Agile software development, a paradigm that emphasizes project team autonomy and the value of responding to changes over following standardized processes, has gained prominence in the software industry. Prior investigations on the adoptions of agile paradigms for software operations and their performance implications have typically focused on isolated aspects of software development processes. In this study, we adopt a configurational perspective of software operations and assess the causal impacts of adopting an organizational policy that grants higher levels of autonomy to project teams. Building on the equifinality framework proposed in organizational studies, we posit that an organizational policy that provides higher levels of autonomy for software teams engenders performance-enhancing adaptations through agile reconfigurations of project operations. To test our hypothesis, we collaborated with a commercial software firm and collected data from a policy experiment at the firm. We examined project level data spanning a four-year observation period during which the firm implemented a new policy that significantly reduced the hurdles for project teams to autonomously reconfigure their operations. The results support our postulation and shed light on how an organizational policy that provides greater autonomy to software teams for designing their context-specific project configurations can improve
project performance.
參考文獻:Narayan Ramasubbu, Indranil R. Bardhan. Reconfiguring for Agility: Examining the Performance Implications for Project Team Autonomy Through an Organizational Policy Experiment[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2021, 45(4): 2261-2280.