
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers

International Cooperation in a Changing Global Economy

The global economy has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. Despite the risks and challenges,all members of the global village share a common destiny. How to steer the global economy towards more cooperation in the new era and jointly cope with challenges and opportunities becomes an important issue. The conference will provide an opportunity to bring together researchers focusing on the new pattern of international economic cooperation.


The program committee cordially invites submissions of both theoretical and empirical studies on topics including (but not limited to):

Foreign direct investment and supply chain configuration

Monetary policy, capital flows, and financial stability

International transmission and coordination of the monetary policy

Trade and financial effects of international economic sanctions

Global inflation and monetary policy

Chinese international trade and finance issues

Trade wars and trade policy uncertainty

International trade and industrial structure transformation

Innovation and development of international service trade

Optimization of import and export structure under global public emergencies

Foreign trade and development strategies of transnational corporations

Theories, policies, and rules of digital trade


China & World Economywas launched in 1993 by the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). It is a leading English journal from domestic China on the study of Chinese economy and its interaction with the world economy. The journal is published bi-monthly. Through fully anonymous peer review process, it provides high quality first-hand academic research and in-depth policy analysis on the most important and updated issues of Chinese economy. It is a unique window on China issues and is essential reading for all those concerned with China’s development.


The Institute of International Economic Cooperation integrates the research strength of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics in the field of world economy and international finance, gives full play to its interdisciplinary advantages, and provides solutions to solve major theoretical and practical problems faced by global economic and financial development, so as to provide consulting services for macroeconomic management of government and scientific decision-making of enterprises.

Submission Guidelines

We invite authors to submit completed papers or extended abstracts. Completed papers are preferred. To facilitate anonymous review and contact, the author’s information (name, affiliation, and e-mail address) should be listed independently on the first page of the paper. Please submit the full paper with an abstract in pdf format, using the authors』 full names as the paper’s filenames, and 「Paper Submission for International Cooperation in a Changing Global Economy」 as the email subject. There is no submission fee.

Please also indicate whether you would be interested in being a discussant in your submission. The organizers will set up a review committee and select the papers based on originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance.

The deadline for paper submission isNov. 20, 2022. Conference paper notifications will be made no later thanDec. 1, 2022.The conference will be held onDec. 10, 2022. The safety risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have made it impossible to hold an in-person event for most overseas presenters as expected. Therefore, the virtual meeting will be held for overseas scholars and we expect an in-person meeting for domestic scholars in China.

Journal Support

Papers presented at the conference will be reviewed and discussed extensively by well-known experts within the field and editors ofChina & World Economy.After careful evaluation by the review committee, outstanding papers selected would directly enter the anonymous review and apply to the 「Fast-Track」 process ofChina & World Economy.

For Further Queries

Please contact:

Dr. Mi Xie

Institute of International Economic Cooperation, CoB, SUFE

No.777 Guoding Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China


Dr. Shuyu Chang

China & World EconomyEditorial Office, IWEP, CASS

1525, 5th Jianguomennei Ave., Dongcheng District, Beijing,China




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